Amusement Park Injuries

These data are from the #TidyTuesday (10 Sept 2019) project. Tidy Tuesday is a weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem. As this project was borne out of the R4DS Online Learning Community and the R for Data Science textbook, an emphasis was placed on understanding how to summarize and arrange data to make meaningful charts with {ggplot2}
, {tidyr}
, {dplyr}
, and other tools in the {tidyverse}
The intent of Tidy Tuesday is to provide a safe and supportive forum for individuals to practice their wrangling and data visualization skills independent of drawing conclusions. While we understand that the two are related, the focus of this practice is purely on building skills with real-world data.
Amusement Park Injuries
This particular dataset is from the SaferParks Database.
These data contain a lot free text, some inconsistent NAs (n/a, N/A) and dates (ymd, dmy). A good chance to do some data cleaning and then take a look at frequency, incident types, injury types, and accident types using free text analysis.
The safer_parks dataset contains 8351 incidents that were recorded from 17 different types of parks. Below is a table containing the number on incidents according to the type of parks.
safer_parks %>%
count(`Park Type` = bus_type, sort = TRUE, name = "Number of Incidents") %>%
kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
scroll_box(height = "400px")
Park Type | Number of Incidents |
Amusement park | 3667 |
Water park | 1767 |
Carnival or rental | 701 |
Trampoline park | 698 |
Family entertainment center | 484 |
Go kart track | 228 |
Sports or recreation facility | 178 |
Mountain resort | 174 |
School or church | 95 |
City or county park | 90 |
Adventure course | 86 |
Zoo or museum | 61 |
Mall, store or restaurant | 53 |
Pool waterslide | 27 |
Unknown | 19 |
Camp | 14 |
Other | 9 |
For this analysis, I will focus on the amusement park industry. The first thing I did was filter these data to only include incidents from either an Amusement park or Carnival or rental when the industry sector was listed as amusement ride.
dat <- safer_parks %>%
filter(bus_type %in% c("Amusement park", "Carnival or rental") &
industry_sector == "amusement ride") %>%
mutate(acc_date = mdy(acc_date),
month = factor(month(acc_date, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE)),
manufacturer = ifelse(, "Unknown", manufacturer),
category2 = ifelse(str_detect(category, ":"),
str_extract(category, "^([^:])+"), category),
category2 = ifelse(str_detect(category, "Illness"),
"Illness", category2))
The resulting dataset contains 3438 incidents that we will analyze further.
Type of Incident
First, we will look at the ten most common types of incidents that occur with respect to amusement rides:
dat %>%
count(category2) %>%
mutate(category2 = fct_reorder(category2, n)) %>%
top_n(n=10) %>%
ggplot(aes(category2, n, fill = category2)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = NULL,
y = "Number of Incidents",
title = "Ten Most Common Types of Incidents",
subtitle = "Reported for amusement rides")
Incidents According to State
Second, we will look at the most common states where incidents occur. Below is a table that contains the number of incidents according to state.
dat %>%
count(State = acc_state, name = "Number of Incidents", sort = TRUE) %>%
kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
scroll_box(height = "300px")
State | Number of Incidents |
CA | 2067 |
PA | 494 |
NJ | 143 |
TX | 141 |
OK | 138 |
FL | 130 |
IL | 43 |
NH | 42 |
MI | 39 |
KY | 38 |
WI | 28 |
NC | 25 |
OH | 19 |
IA | 14 |
ME | 13 |
MD | 11 |
CT | 10 |
MA | 8 |
WA | 7 |
TN | 5 |
WV | 4 |
MO | 3 |
SC | 3 |
AR | 2 |
CO | 2 |
MN | 2 |
GA | 1 |
MT | 1 |
NE | 1 |
NM | 1 |
OR | 1 |
UT | 1 |
VA | 1 |
Although interesting, this may be misleading given the population differences between these states. For example, Pennsylvania is substantially smaller in population than California, yet it has almost 1/2 of the number of incidents. To better understand these data, we will pull in state population data from the 2010 decennial US Census using the {tidycensus}
package and match state names with the built in state abbreviations.
st_crosswalk <- tibble(state = %>%
bind_cols(tibble(abb =
state_pop <- as_tibble(tidycensus::get_decennial(geography = "state",
variables = "P001001") %>% select(state = NAME, pop = value)) %>%
left_join(st_crosswalk, by = "state") %>% select(state = abb, pop)
state_dat <- left_join(dat%>% count(acc_state), state_pop, by = c("acc_state" = "state"))
state_dat %>%
mutate(incident_per_100k = ((n / pop)*100000),
acc_state = fct_reorder(acc_state, incident_per_100k)) %>%
top_n(n=10) %>%
ggplot(aes(acc_state, incident_per_100k, fill = acc_state)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = "State",
y = "Number of Incidents per 100k",
title = "Ten states with highest per-capita incidents",
subtitle = "Reported for amusement rides")
Incidents According to Date
Next, we can look at when the incidents tend to cluster. We would expect incidents to occur around the summer time as it is the most likely time that people tend to go to amusement parks.
p1 <- dat %>%
count(acc_date) %>%
ggplot(aes(acc_date, n)) +
geom_line(color = "red") +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "years" , date_labels = "%Y") +
labs(x = "Date of incident",
y = "Number of incidents",
title = "Seasonality of incidents")
p2 <- dat %>%
count(month) %>%
ggplot(aes(month, n)) +
geom_col() +
labs(x = NULL,
y = "Number of incidents",
title = "Month when incidents occur")
(p1 / p2)
We do in fact see that incidents tend to occur more often during the summer months (June-August).
Incidents by type of ride
We can also look at the number of incidents according to the type of amusement ride to see if one type of ride has a higher number of incidents. Keep in mind, we are not controlling for the amount of a particular type that is at an amusement park. That is, we see that coasters have a high number of incidents, however, how common are coasters at an amusement park compared to vertical drops? We need to be careful when interpreting these data beyond using it for data exploration.
dat %>%
count(`Ride type` = device_category, name = "Number of Incidents", sort = TRUE) %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)
Ride type | Number of Incidents |
coaster | 1162 |
spinning | 834 |
cars & track rides | 554 |
water ride | 507 |
other attraction | 167 |
pendulum | 122 |
vertical drop | 92 |
Incidents by manufacturer
Next we will look at the number of incidents by manufacturer.
dat %>%
count(manufacturer, sort = TRUE) %>%
mutate(manufacturer = fct_reorder(manufacturer, n)) %>%
top_n(n = 10) %>%
ggplot(aes(manufacturer, n, fill = manufacturer)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE)+
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = "Manufacturer",
y = "Number of incidents",
title = "Ten manufacturers with the highest reported incidents")
It appears that in-house made amusement rides have the highest reported number of incidents followed by Intamin AG.
Within these data, a column also lists if an incident was related to a mechanical issue, let’s look at the manufacturers with the highest reported mechanical issues.
dat %>%
filter(mechanical == 1) %>%
count(manufacturer) %>%
mutate(manufacturer = fct_reorder(manufacturer, n)) %>%
top_n(n = 10) %>%
ggplot(aes(manufacturer, n, fill = manufacturer)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = "Manufacturer",
y = "Number of mechanical incidents",
title = "Ten manufacturers with the highest reported mechanical incidents")
Injury Text Analysis
Now for the fun part, several columns of these data have free text. We will look at two in particular. One describes the injury itself, and one describes the accident and how it occurred.
Text Analysis Overview
For text analysis, we will use the {tidytext}
package. First, we need to isolate the injury text and tokenize it. That is, we will split each row so that one token (word) is in each row. Additionally, punctuation is removed and words are converted to lowercase. I have also removed numbers that exist in the text (e.g. number of stitches).
injury_tokens <- dat %>%
select(acc_id, injury_desc) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, injury_desc) %>%
Next, we will remove stop words, or words that are extremely common such as “the”, “of”, “to”, etc. I have also removed the words injury and pain as they are not descriptive for our purposes and appear to be commonly used in the injury description.
my_stop_words <- c("injury", "pain")
injury_tokens <- injury_tokens %>% anti_join(stop_words) %>% filter(!word %in% my_stop_words)
Q: What types of injuries occur most often?
We can use three visualizations to understand this a little easier. The first is a bar-plot showing the 20 most commonly used words when describing the injury.
injury_tokens %>% count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
mutate(word = fct_reorder(word, n)) %>%
slice(1:20) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = word, y = n, fill = word)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = "", y = "Number of Incidents",
title = "Twenty most common reported words in injury description")
The second is a word-cloud showing the frequency that words appear in the injury description column.
injury_tokens %>% count(word) %>% with(wordcloud(word, n, max.words = 100, colors = c( "#56B4E9", "#E69F00")))
Bi-gram graph
The third type of visualization is the relationships between words (n-grams). We are looking at how often words co-occur in these data.
injury_bigrams <- dat %>%
unnest_tokens(bigram, injury_desc, token = "ngrams", n = 2)
injury_bigrams_sep <- injury_bigrams %>%
separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ")
injury_bigrams_filtered <- injury_bigrams_sep %>%
filter(!word1 %in% c(stop_words$word, my_stop_words),
!word2 %in% c(stop_words$word, my_stop_words),
injury_bigrams_filtered %>%
unite(bigram, word1, word2, sep = " ") %>%
count(bigram, name = "Number of Incidents", sort = TRUE) %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
scroll_box(height = "400px")
bigram | Number of Incidents |
chipped tooth | 35 |
left knee | 34 |
blood pressure | 26 |
fractured arm | 21 |
left shoulder | 20 |
difficulty breathing | 19 |
dislocated knee | 17 |
dislocated shoulder | 17 |
left arm | 16 |
requiring stitches | 16 |
dizziness nausea | 15 |
facial injuries | 15 |
nausea vomiting | 15 |
lower leg | 14 |
left leg | 13 |
fractured wrist | 12 |
hospital treated | 11 |
low blood | 11 |
quot laceration | 11 |
twisted ankle | 11 |
fractured ankle | 10 |
laceration requiring | 10 |
left eye | 10 |
left hand | 10 |
left wrist | 10 |
lost consciousness | 10 |
panic attack | 10 |
paramedics transported | 10 |
foreign body | 9 |
fractured rib | 9 |
light headed | 9 |
middle finger | 9 |
nausea dizziness | 9 |
pinched finger | 9 |
severe headache | 9 |
sprained ankle | 9 |
chipped teeth | 8 |
critical condition | 8 |
left eyebrow | 8 |
left hip | 8 |
local hospital | 8 |
lower lip | 8 |
minor injuries | 8 |
requiring surgery | 8 |
bloody nose | 7 |
chest pains | 7 |
chest pressure | 7 |
dizzy nauseous | 7 |
fractured foot | 7 |
fractured ribs | 7 |
head bump | 7 |
head laceration | 7 |
headache dizziness | 7 |
heart rate | 7 |
index finger | 7 |
left ankle | 7 |
left elbow | 7 |
left foot | 7 |
motion sickness | 7 |
nose bleed | 7 |
facial laceration | 6 |
fractured elbow | 6 |
head neck | 6 |
headache nausea | 6 |
inch laceration | 6 |
personal physician | 6 |
pre existing | 6 |
pregnancy complication | 6 |
upper arm | 6 |
anxiety attack | 5 |
asthma attack | 5 |
dizziness transported | 5 |
fractured tailbone | 5 |
front teeth | 5 |
knee abrasion | 5 |
left eyelid | 5 |
patron transported | 5 |
pinky finger | 5 |
racing heart | 5 |
rib cage | 5 |
slurred speech | 5 |
swollen knee | 5 |
upper leg | 5 |
weakness dizziness | 5 |
arm fracture | 4 |
bear weight | 4 |
bruised ribs | 4 |
child complained | 4 |
children’s hospital | 4 |
crushed finger | 4 |
description redacted | 4 |
dizziness chest | 4 |
dizziness vomiting | 4 |
existing condition | 4 |
eyebrow requiring | 4 |
finger requiring | 4 |
forehead requiring | 4 |
front tooth | 4 |
head contusion | 4 |
hospital injuries | 4 |
injuries reported | 4 |
knee transported | 4 |
left forearm | 4 |
nbsp guest | 4 |
neck injuries | 4 |
neck strain | 4 |
patron complained | 4 |
pregnancy complications | 4 |
puncture wound | 4 |
requiring sutures | 4 |
severe neck | 4 |
slight swelling | 4 |
sprained knee | 4 |
traumatic brain | 4 |
twisted knee | 4 |
unspecified injuries | 4 |
vomiting dizziness | 4 |
allergic reaction | 3 |
bee sting | 3 |
bottom lip | 3 |
broken arm | 3 |
broken foot | 3 |
broken ribs | 3 |
broken teeth | 3 |
broken tooth | 3 |
bruised hand | 3 |
bruised left | 3 |
chest discomfort | 3 |
chipped front | 3 |
cm laceration | 3 |
cut finger | 3 |
deep laceration | 3 |
dislocated thumb | 3 |
dizziness headache | 3 |
dizziness loss | 3 |
electric shock | 3 |
electrical shock | 3 |
febrile seizure | 3 |
finger transported | 3 |
foot ankle | 3 |
forehead laceration | 3 |
fractured nose | 3 |
fractured skull | 3 |
heart palpitations | 3 |
hospitalized overnight | 3 |
injuries unknown | 3 |
irregular heartbeat | 3 |
knee requiring | 3 |
left rib | 3 |
leg numbness | 3 |
leg requiring | 3 |
lower abdominal | 3 |
lower left | 3 |
medical center | 3 |
moderate bleeding | 3 |
nausea headache | 3 |
neck sprain | 3 |
park nurse | 3 |
patron lost | 3 |
rapid heart | 3 |
requiring staples | 3 |
ring finger | 3 |
shoulder arm | 3 |
shoulder dislocation | 3 |
shoulder injuries | 3 |
shoulder neck | 3 |
sprained wrist | 3 |
syncopal episode | 3 |
teeth knocked | 3 |
upper lip | 3 |
vaginal bleeding | 3 |
vomiting transported | 3 |
wrist fracture | 3 |
16yo girl | 2 |
17yo female | 2 |
1st degree | 2 |
2cm laceration | 2 |
6yo boy | 2 |
administered albuterol | 2 |
ambulance treated | 2 |
ankle fracture | 2 |
ankle sprain | 2 |
arm emts | 2 |
arm neck | 2 |
arm requiring | 2 |
arm shoulder | 2 |
arms nausea | 2 |
asthma chest | 2 |
badly bruised | 2 |
bilateral upper | 2 |
bleeding gums | 2 |
blood vessels | 2 |
blurry vision | 2 |
brain skull | 2 |
breath chest | 2 |
breath headache | 2 |
breath vomiting | 2 |
breathing treatment | 2 |
broken finger | 2 |
broken fingers | 2 |
broken leg | 2 |
broken nose | 2 |
bruised leg | 2 |
bumped head | 2 |
chest wall | 2 |
compression fracture | 2 |
consciousness amnesia | 2 |
consciousness seizure | 2 |
contusion inside | 2 |
crushed fingers | 2 |
cut requiring | 2 |
deformity possibly | 2 |
degree burns | 2 |
difficulty moving | 2 |
difficulty walking | 2 |
dislocated hip | 2 |
dizziness head | 2 |
dizziness low | 2 |
dizziness neck | 2 |
dizziness shortness | 2 |
dizziness weakness | 2 |
dizzy chest | 2 |
dizzy lightheaded | 2 |
dizzy lost | 2 |
dizzy sweaty | 2 |
elevated blood | 2 |
elevated heart | 2 |
ems declined | 2 |
exact injuries | 2 |
eye irritation | 2 |
eye lid | 2 |
facial drooping | 2 |
feeling light | 2 |
feet legs | 2 |
foot laceration | 2 |
foot transported | 2 |
forehead contusion | 2 |
forehead dizziness | 2 |
fractured bone | 2 |
fractured finger | 2 |
fractured thumb | 2 |
fractured toe | 2 |
friction burn | 2 |
gaping laceration | 2 |
goose egg | 2 |
hairline fracture | 2 |
hand middle | 2 |
hand wrist | 2 |
head emt | 2 |
head requiring | 2 |
head transported | 2 |
heart attack | 2 |
heart beat | 2 |
herniated disk | 2 |
hurt head | 2 |
ice pack | 2 |
injuries including | 2 |
injuries treated | 2 |
insect sting | 2 |
jammed finger | 2 |
laceration transported | 2 |
left cheek | 2 |
left chest | 2 |
left corner | 2 |
left hands | 2 |
left index | 2 |
left middle | 2 |
left pinky | 2 |
left ribcage | 2 |
left shin | 2 |
left temple | 2 |
left thigh | 2 |
left thumb | 2 |
left upper | 2 |
leg foot | 2 |
leg weakness | 2 |
lip laceration | 2 |
loose tooth | 2 |
lower chin | 2 |
lower ribs | 2 |
mechanical failure | 2 |
medical attention | 2 |
medical condition | 2 |
medical facility | 2 |
memory loss | 2 |
mid center | 2 |
mid lower | 2 |
migraine headache | 2 |
minor bruising | 2 |
multiple injuries | 2 |
multiple lacerations | 2 |
nail bed | 2 |
nausea loss | 2 |
nbsp transported | 2 |
nose abrasion | 2 |
nose bleeding | 2 |
numbness chest | 2 |
paramedics administered | 2 |
partial amputation | 2 |
patient admission | 2 |
patron’s mother | 2 |
patrons ages | 2 |
patrons complained | 2 |
patrons injured | 2 |
physical therapy | 2 |
possibly fractured | 2 |
pressure transported | 2 |
probable fractured | 2 |
pulled muscle | 2 |
rapid heartbeat | 2 |
red mark | 2 |
refused treatment | 2 |
requested ambulance | 2 |
requiring hospitalization | 2 |
requiring tissue | 2 |
scalp laceration | 2 |
seizure loss | 2 |
severe nausea | 2 |
severe stomach | 2 |
shock burns | 2 |
shoulder collarbone | 2 |
skin grafts | 2 |
skull neck | 2 |
soft tissue | 2 |
sore neck | 2 |
sought medical | 2 |
sprained arm | 2 |
sprained neck | 2 |
sting inside | 2 |
suffered minor | 2 |
sustained minor | 2 |
swollen ankle | 2 |
swollen lump | 2 |
thumb nail | 2 |
tissue adhesion | 2 |
torn meniscus | 2 |
upper abdominal | 2 |
upper cheek | 2 |
upper left | 2 |
upper thigh | 2 |
vomiting chest | 2 |
vomiting loss | 2 |
weak dizzy | 2 |
10yo 15yo | 1 |
10yo broken | 1 |
10yo bruises | 1 |
119lbs died | 1 |
11yo males | 1 |
13yo female | 1 |
13yo male | 1 |
13yo patrons | 1 |
14yo 31yo | 1 |
14yo girl | 1 |
15yo female | 1 |
15yo girl | 1 |
15yo reported | 1 |
16yo female | 1 |
16yo hospitalized | 1 |
16yo sprained | 1 |
18yo male | 1 |
1cm cut | 1 |
20yo male | 1 |
2nd degree | 1 |
2nd toe | 1 |
2yo laceration | 1 |
30yo male | 1 |
31yo 35yo | 1 |
39yo injured | 1 |
3yo struck | 1 |
4yo boy | 1 |
5mo pregnant | 1 |
5yo boy | 1 |
68yo heart | 1 |
6yo broken | 1 |
6yo traumatic | 1 |
7yo 14yo | 1 |
8yo boy | 1 |
8yo girl | 1 |
8yo received | 1 |
abdomen reported | 1 |
abdominal bleeding | 1 |
abrasion redness | 1 |
abrasions 16yo | 1 |
abrasions hematoma | 1 |
activity paramedics | 1 |
acute blood | 1 |
acute cervical | 1 |
acute intense | 1 |
acute respiratory | 1 |
administerd guest | 1 |
adult tooth | 1 |
adults suffered | 1 |
advised stitches | 1 |
aid office | 1 |
aid station | 1 |
aid transported | 1 |
alcohol consumption | 1 |
alergic reaction | 1 |
alleged arthroscopy | 1 |
alleged bruised | 1 |
alleged chemical | 1 |
alleged laceration | 1 |
alleged staph | 1 |
allegedly due | 1 |
altered consciousness | 1 |
ambulance responded | 1 |
amp front | 1 |
amp left | 1 |
amputated thumb | 1 |
aneurysm pre | 1 |
ankle examined | 1 |
ankle foot | 1 |
ankle laceration | 1 |
ankle neck | 1 |
ankle patron | 1 |
ankle requiring | 1 |
ankle scraped | 1 |
ankle swelling | 1 |
ankle tops | 1 |
ankle wrist | 1 |
ankles feet | 1 |
anxiety difficulty | 1 |
anxiety inability | 1 |
anxiety racing | 1 |
anxiety transported | 1 |
approx thickness | 1 |
arm 10yo | 1 |
arm amp | 1 |
arm difficulty | 1 |
arm hospitalized | 1 |
arm knee | 1 |
arm laceration | 1 |
arm left | 1 |
arm leg | 1 |
arm numbness | 1 |
arm pre | 1 |
arm splinted | 1 |
arm transported | 1 |
arm unable | 1 |
arm wrist | 1 |
arms panic | 1 |
arms transported | 1 |
artery resulting | 1 |
assessment report | 1 |
assessment ruled | 1 |
asthma paramedics | 1 |
asthma transported | 1 |
asthmas attack | 1 |
atrial fibrillation | 1 |
attack asthmas | 1 |
attack hyperventilating | 1 |
baby’s head | 1 |
bacterial infection | 1 |
badly sprained | 1 |
balance equilibrium | 1 |
bar caused | 1 |
bed avulsion | 1 |
bend knee | 1 |
bilateral feet | 1 |
bilateral knee | 1 |
bilateral leg | 1 |
bilateral lower | 1 |
bilateral shoulder | 1 |
bit lip | 1 |
bladder surgery | 1 |
bladder tear | 1 |
bleed nausea | 1 |
bleeding complication | 1 |
bleeding controlled | 1 |
bleeding contusion | 1 |
bleeding distal | 1 |
bleeding heavily | 1 |
bleeding transported | 1 |
blindness hospitalized | 1 |
blood blister | 1 |
blood loss | 1 |
bloody swollen | 1 |
blunt force | 1 |
blunt trauma | 1 |
blurred vision | 1 |
boats collided | 1 |
body injuries | 1 |
bone bruise | 1 |
bone bruising | 1 |
bone fracture | 1 |
bone laceration | 1 |
bone tip | 1 |
boy fractured | 1 |
boy suffered | 1 |
boy transported | 1 |
bra strap | 1 |
brain aneurysm | 1 |
brain requiring | 1 |
breast implant | 1 |
breath ambulance | 1 |
breath dizziness | 1 |
breath elevated | 1 |
breath irregular | 1 |
breath numbness | 1 |
breath potential | 1 |
breath stomach | 1 |
breath tightness | 1 |
breathing difficulty | 1 |
breathing excruciating | 1 |
breathing hyperventilation | 1 |
breathing minor | 1 |
breathing treatments | 1 |
breathing vomiting | 1 |
broken ankle | 1 |
broken bones | 1 |
broken cheek | 1 |
broken hand | 1 |
broken knee | 1 |
broken neck | 1 |
broken tibia | 1 |
broken transported | 1 |
brow requiring | 1 |
bruise left | 1 |
bruise nbsp | 1 |
bruised bone | 1 |
bruised knee | 1 |
bruised legs | 1 |
bruised lump | 1 |
bruised rib | 1 |
bruised rt | 1 |
bruised shin | 1 |
bruised thumb | 1 |
bruises emts | 1 |
brush burn | 1 |
brusing emotional | 1 |
bump decreasing | 1 |
bump found | 1 |
bump transported | 1 |
bumped nose | 1 |
burst blood | 1 |
buttocks 1st | 1 |
calf abrasions | 1 |
calf muscle | 1 |
cannabis intoxication | 1 |
car accident | 1 |
cardiac history | 1 |
cardiac monitor | 1 |
care due | 1 |
carotid arteries | 1 |
carotid artery | 1 |
causing difficulting | 1 |
center abdominal | 1 |
center nbsp | 1 |
cervical lumbar | 1 |
cervical strain | 1 |
cheek bone | 1 |
cheeks red | 1 |
chemical burn | 1 |
chest bone | 1 |
chest head | 1 |
chest injuries | 1 |
chest tightening | 1 |
chest transported | 1 |
child fire | 1 |
child hit | 1 |
child nbsp | 1 |
child stopped | 1 |
child sustained | 1 |
child unable | 1 |
child’s arm | 1 |
children injured | 1 |
children suffered | 1 |
childrens hospital | 1 |
chin abrasion | 1 |
chin laceration | 1 |
chin patron | 1 |
chin requiring | 1 |
chin transported | 1 |
clavical fracture | 1 |
clavicle approx | 1 |
clavicle collarbone | 1 |
collapsed lung | 1 |
collarbone anxiety | 1 |
collarbone fracture | 1 |
collerbone hurts | 1 |
coma fractures | 1 |
community medical | 1 |
competitive swimming | 1 |
compound fracture | 1 |
concussion missed | 1 |
concussion neck | 1 |
concussion physical | 1 |
condition 10yo | 1 |
condition multiple | 1 |
condition surgery | 1 |
conditions nbsp | 1 |
confusion slurred | 1 |
consciousness blood | 1 |
consciousness chest | 1 |
consciousness difficulty | 1 |
consciousness emt | 1 |
consciousness helicoptered | 1 |
consciousness loss | 1 |
consciousness nausea | 1 |
consciousness neck | 1 |
consciousness paramedics | 1 |
consciousness persistent | 1 |
consciousness revived | 1 |
consciousness severe | 1 |
consciousness suspected | 1 |
consciousness vomiting | 1 |
consciousness weak | 1 |
continual left | 1 |
contusion bone | 1 |
contusion strain | 1 |
contusion transported | 1 |
contusions blook | 1 |
contusions child | 1 |
contusions shoulder | 1 |
cord injuries | 1 |
cortisone shots | 1 |
coughing dizziness | 1 |
county paramedics | 1 |
cracked crown | 1 |
cramps pregnancy | 1 |
cramps shortness | 1 |
critical injuries | 1 |
crush fracture | 1 |
crush injuries | 1 |
crushed pinky | 1 |
crushing hematoma | 1 |
ct mri | 1 |
ct scan | 1 |
cut head | 1 |
cuts scrapes | 1 |
day prior | 1 |
day woke | 1 |
days diagnosed | 1 |
declined transport | 1 |
decreased ability | 1 |
deep breath | 1 |
deep cut | 1 |
deformity abraisons | 1 |
deformity nbsp | 1 |
deformity wide | 1 |
degree burn | 1 |
degree sunburn | 1 |
dental care | 1 |
department ambulance | 1 |
details redacted | 1 |
detected irregular | 1 |
detected low | 1 |
diabetic episode | 1 |
diarrhea dizziness | 1 |
difficultly breathing | 1 |
difficulty received | 1 |
difficulty standing | 1 |
dime sized | 1 |
discomfort nurse | 1 |
dislocated elbow | 1 |
dislocated left | 1 |
dislocated nose | 1 |
dislocated toe | 1 |
dislocation fracture | 1 |
dislocation shoulder | 1 |
disoriented panicked | 1 |
distal edge | 1 |
dizziness ambulance | 1 |
dizziness difficulty | 1 |
dizziness heart | 1 |
dizziness increased | 1 |
dizziness numbness | 1 |
dizziness pale | 1 |
dizziness paramedics | 1 |
dizziness pressure | 1 |
dizziness racing | 1 |
dizziness seizure | 1 |
dizziness slow | 1 |
dizziness slurred | 1 |
dizziness tightness | 1 |
dizziness treated | 1 |
dizziness trouble | 1 |
dizziness weaknesss | 1 |
dizzy anxious | 1 |
dizzy disoriented | 1 |
dizzy head | 1 |
dizzy headache | 1 |
dizzy hot | 1 |
dizzy lightl | 1 |
dizzy low | 1 |
dizzy nauseated | 1 |
dizzy shaky | 1 |
dizzy short | 1 |
dizzy transported | 1 |
dizzy vomiting | 1 |
dizzyness rapid | 1 |
doctor told | 1 |
doctor’s appointment | 1 |
double fracture | 1 |
droop slurred | 1 |
ear 2yo | 1 |
ear drum | 1 |
ear infection | 1 |
ear requiring | 1 |
earlobe laceration | 1 |
earring pulled | 1 |
earring puntured | 1 |
egg bump | 1 |
ejected sustained | 1 |
elbow deformity | 1 |
elbow laceration | 1 |
elbow lower | 1 |
elbow transported | 1 |
elbow xray | 1 |
electrical burns | 1 |
emotional distress | 1 |
emotional trauma | 1 |
employee received | 1 |
ems called | 1 |
emt advised | 1 |
emt noted | 1 |
emt recommended | 1 |
emt’s transported | 1 |
emts evaluated | 1 |
emts examined | 1 |
emts splinted | 1 |
emts transported | 1 |
epileptic seizure | 1 |
er bill | 1 |
esophagus pneumonediastinum | 1 |
exacerbated pre | 1 |
exacerbated symptoms | 1 |
excruciating headache | 1 |
existing concussion | 1 |
experienced lower | 1 |
extensive abrasions | 1 |
extensive cardiac | 1 |
extreme fright | 1 |
eye complained | 1 |
eye conjunctivitus | 1 |
eye infection | 1 |
eye lacerations | 1 |
eye left | 1 |
eye minor | 1 |
eye retina | 1 |
eye sprained | 1 |
eye strain | 1 |
eyebrow head | 1 |
eyebrow laceration | 1 |
eyebrow nose | 1 |
eyelid contusion | 1 |
eyelid hospital | 1 |
eyelid laceration | 1 |
eyes looked | 1 |
eyes nose | 1 |
facial bones | 1 |
facial contusions | 1 |
facial droop | 1 |
facial lacerations | 1 |
facial nose | 1 |
facial numbness | 1 |
facial rash | 1 |
factor individual | 1 |
failure nbsp | 1 |
faint low | 1 |
fairly deep | 1 |
fall lacerations | 1 |
fall trauma | 1 |
fall treated | 1 |
fast heart | 1 |
fatal injuries | 1 |
fatigue stomach | 1 |
feel heavy | 1 |
feel nauseated | 1 |
feeling ill | 1 |
feeling sick | 1 |
feeling unwell | 1 |
feet evaluated | 1 |
feet head | 1 |
fell unconcious | 1 |
female neck | 1 |
female sustained | 1 |
fib fracture | 1 |
finger bone | 1 |
finger child | 1 |
finger contusions | 1 |
finger emt | 1 |
finger finger | 1 |
finger knuckle | 1 |
finger nail | 1 |
finger painful | 1 |
finger stitches | 1 |
fingernail bed | 1 |
fingers child | 1 |
fingers emt | 1 |
fingers nbsp | 1 |
fire department | 1 |
flex foot | 1 |
floating ribs | 1 |
focus concerns | 1 |
foot bruise | 1 |
foot facial | 1 |
foot injuries | 1 |
foot lasceration | 1 |
foot leg | 1 |
foot torn | 1 |
foot twisted | 1 |
fore arm | 1 |
forearm abrasion | 1 |
forearm bruise | 1 |
forearm contusions | 1 |
forearm fracture | 1 |
forearm hospitalized | 1 |
forearms 15yo | 1 |
forehead bruising | 1 |
forehead ems | 1 |
forehead nose | 1 |
foreign material | 1 |
fracture arm | 1 |
fracture collarbone | 1 |
fracture transported | 1 |
fractured facial | 1 |
fractured hip | 1 |
fractured jaw | 1 |
fractured knee | 1 |
fractured left | 1 |
fractured leg | 1 |
fractured pelvis | 1 |
fractured ring | 1 |
fractured shoulder | 1 |
fractured t1 | 1 |
fractured teeth | 1 |
fractures employee | 1 |
fractures neck | 1 |
fractures requiring | 1 |
futher evaluation | 1 |
genitals admitted | 1 |
girl bruising | 1 |
girl injured | 1 |
glued cut | 1 |
gluten allergy | 1 |
graft surgery | 1 |
grafts required | 1 |
grandfather reported | 1 |
grandfather sustained | 1 |
groin treated | 1 |
ground transported | 1 |
guest requested | 1 |
guest’s left | 1 |
gum bleeding | 1 |
gums contusions | 1 |
hand abrasion | 1 |
hand finger | 1 |
hand fracture | 1 |
hand hospitalized | 1 |
hand laceration | 1 |
hand pinky | 1 |
hand radiating | 1 |
hand received | 1 |
hand requiring | 1 |
hands legs | 1 |
hands medics | 1 |
hands nausea | 1 |
hands numb | 1 |
hands treated | 1 |
hands wrists | 1 |
head 17yo | 1 |
head abrasions | 1 |
head admitted | 1 |
head bruise | 1 |
head child | 1 |
head ear | 1 |
head foot | 1 |
head headache | 1 |
head legs | 1 |
head mid | 1 |
head mild | 1 |
head mother | 1 |
head nausea | 1 |
head possibel | 1 |
head seizure | 1 |
head shoulder | 1 |
headache admitted | 1 |
headache ambulance | 1 |
headache difficulty | 1 |
headache illness | 1 |
headache neck | 1 |
headache negative | 1 |
headache transported | 1 |
headache vomiting | 1 |
headaches diagnosed | 1 |
headaches vomiting | 1 |
headaches whiplash | 1 |
health conditions | 1 |
health issue | 1 |
hearing loss | 1 |
heart ambulance | 1 |
heart discomfort | 1 |
heart flutter | 1 |
heart issues | 1 |
heart numb | 1 |
heart palpatations | 1 |
heart shortness | 1 |
heart symptoms | 1 |
heart transported | 1 |
heartbeat diagnosis | 1 |
heavy bleeding | 1 |
hernia surgery | 1 |
herniated discs | 1 |
hip ankle | 1 |
hip elbows | 1 |
hip groin | 1 |
hip ribs | 1 |
hit child | 1 |
hit head | 1 |
hospital diagnosed | 1 |
hospital died | 1 |
hospital due | 1 |
hospital glued | 1 |
hospital nbsp | 1 |
hospital park | 1 |
hospitalization 15yo | 1 |
hospitalization shoulder | 1 |
hospitalization skin | 1 |
hospitalized 16yo | 1 |
humerus requiring | 1 |
hurt knee | 1 |
hurt left | 1 |
hurt leg | 1 |
hurt neck | 1 |
hurt shoulder | 1 |
hydraulic oil | 1 |
hyperextended fingers | 1 |
hyperextended muscle | 1 |
hyperextended neck | 1 |
hyperventilating lost | 1 |
hyperventilation fast | 1 |
hypothermia dehydration | 1 |
icu injuries | 1 |
illness low | 1 |
illness related | 1 |
inch wide | 1 |
incision site | 1 |
incision sore | 1 |
included scrapes | 1 |
including herniated | 1 |
including leg | 1 |
increased blood | 1 |
increased suddenly | 1 |
indentation redness | 1 |
index fingers | 1 |
individual refused | 1 |
induced coma | 1 |
infected wound | 1 |
infection cold | 1 |
inhalation redness | 1 |
inhaled insect | 1 |
inher arms | 1 |
initial exam | 1 |
injured 30yo | 1 |
injured 7yo | 1 |
injured ages | 1 |
injured ankle | 1 |
injured arm | 1 |
injured finger | 1 |
injured knee | 1 |
injured left | 1 |
injured muscle | 1 |
injured patron’s | 1 |
injured patrons | 1 |
injured persons | 1 |
injuries 17yo | 1 |
injuries cuts | 1 |
injuries due | 1 |
injuries included | 1 |
injuries mechanical | 1 |
injuries mid | 1 |
injuries neck | 1 |
injuries noted | 1 |
injuries person | 1 |
injuries requiring | 1 |
injuries scrapes | 1 |
injuries transported | 1 |
injuries yest | 1 |
insect patron | 1 |
inside lower | 1 |
inside mouth | 1 |
inside throat | 1 |
intense abdominal | 1 |
intoxication ambulance | 1 |
irregular heart | 1 |
irregulatr heartbeat | 1 |
jaw ache | 1 |
jaw broken | 1 |
jaw fracture | 1 |
killed 15yo | 1 |
knee abrasions | 1 |
knee ankle | 1 |
knee bruised | 1 |
knee cap | 1 |
knee chipped | 1 |
knee contusion | 1 |
knee hip | 1 |
knee laceration | 1 |
knee left | 1 |
knee loss | 1 |
knee nbsp | 1 |
knee painful | 1 |
knee parents | 1 |
knee shoulder | 1 |
knee split | 1 |
knee tib | 1 |
knee unable | 1 |
knee wrist | 1 |
knees rib | 1 |
knocked loose | 1 |
laceration abrasion | 1 |
laceration approx | 1 |
laceration approximately | 1 |
laceration bleeding | 1 |
laceration close | 1 |
laceration contusion | 1 |
laceration crush | 1 |
laceration injuries | 1 |
laceration mother | 1 |
lacerations requiring | 1 |
lasceration strained | 1 |
lateral aspect | 1 |
layers deep | 1 |
leave information | 1 |
left 2nd | 1 |
left breast | 1 |
left clavicle | 1 |
left collerbone | 1 |
left ear | 1 |
left finger | 1 |
left flank | 1 |
left front | 1 |
left glute | 1 |
left palm | 1 |
left scapula | 1 |
leg 16yo | 1 |
leg abrasion | 1 |
leg abrasions | 1 |
leg amp | 1 |
leg ankle | 1 |
leg cramps | 1 |
leg fracture | 1 |
leg hip | 1 |
leg lower | 1 |
leg paramedics | 1 |
leg shifted | 1 |
leg shin | 1 |
leg spasms | 1 |
leg sprain | 1 |
leg treated | 1 |
legs abrasion | 1 |
legs allegedly | 1 |
legs feel | 1 |
legs fractured | 1 |
legs neck | 1 |
legs numbness | 1 |
legs paramedics | 1 |
lethargic loss | 1 |
lethargy disorientation | 1 |
lethargy jaw | 1 |
level transported | 1 |
life support | 1 |
lifted numbness | 1 |
lightheaded shortness | 1 |
lightl headed | 1 |
line bruise | 1 |
lip contusions | 1 |
lip loose | 1 |
lip md | 1 |
lip requiring | 1 |
lip swelling | 1 |
lip tooth | 1 |
liquid stitches | 1 |
listless baby | 1 |
loc injuries | 1 |
location ice | 1 |
log hit | 1 |
loose front | 1 |
loose teeth | 1 |
loss disorientation | 1 |
low calcium | 1 |
low glucose | 1 |
low heart | 1 |
low mid | 1 |
lower abdomen | 1 |
lower body | 1 |
lower extremities | 1 |
lower groin | 1 |
lower legs | 1 |
lower lumbar | 1 |
lower neck | 1 |
lower rib | 1 |
lower stomach | 1 |
lower thighs | 1 |
lumbar region | 1 |
lumbar spine | 1 |
lumbosacral strain | 1 |
lump bilateral | 1 |
male sustained | 1 |
md recommended | 1 |
mechanical operational | 1 |
medical care | 1 |
medical history | 1 |
medical issue | 1 |
medical records | 1 |
medical treatment | 1 |
medically induced | 1 |
medics detected | 1 |
medics reported | 1 |
medics stabilized | 1 |
memory responds | 1 |
meniscus requiring | 1 |
mentioned unverified | 1 |
mid forehead | 1 |
mid thigh | 1 |
middle fingers | 1 |
middle left | 1 |
migraine elevated | 1 |
migraine transported | 1 |
mild concussion | 1 |
mild electric | 1 |
mild traumatic | 1 |
mild whiplash | 1 |
minor abrasion | 1 |
minor bleeding | 1 |
minor deformity | 1 |
minor edema | 1 |
minor head | 1 |
minor laceration | 1 |
moderate neck | 1 |
monitor advised | 1 |
months post | 1 |
months prior | 1 |
mother checked | 1 |
mother stated | 1 |
mouth laceration | 1 |
mouth transported | 1 |
move hand | 1 |
move leg | 1 |
move legs | 1 |
movement nbsp | 1 |
moving neck | 1 |
moving wrist | 1 |
multiple fractures | 1 |
multiple seizures | 1 |
multiple surgeries | 1 |
muscle cartilage | 1 |
muscle pulled | 1 |
muscle stiffness | 1 |
muscle strain | 1 |
muscoskeletal injuries | 1 |
nail detached | 1 |
nail partially | 1 |
nausea chest | 1 |
nausea diagnosed | 1 |
nausea dizzyness | 1 |
nausea extensive | 1 |
nausea irregular | 1 |
nausea neck | 1 |
nausea paramedics | 1 |
nausea park | 1 |
nausea sweating | 1 |
nausea transported | 1 |
nausea uncontrollable | 1 |
nausea weakness | 1 |
nauseated tingling | 1 |
nauseous dizzy | 1 |
nauseous low | 1 |
nauseous sweating | 1 |
nauseous vomiting | 1 |
nbsp alcohol | 1 |
nbsp diagnosed | 1 |
nbsp medical | 1 |
nbsp muscle | 1 |
nbsp oxygen | 1 |
nbsp patron | 1 |
nbsp spent | 1 |
nearby hospital | 1 |
nebulizer treatments | 1 |
neck amp | 1 |
neck arm | 1 |
neck broken | 1 |
neck feeling | 1 |
neck fracture | 1 |
neck fractures | 1 |
neck head | 1 |
neck hip | 1 |
neck left | 1 |
neck red | 1 |
neck shoulder | 1 |
neck shoulders | 1 |
neck spasm | 1 |
neck tachycardic | 1 |
neck tingling | 1 |
neck transported | 1 |
neuro deficits | 1 |
nickle sized | 1 |
nitro pill | 1 |
normal range | 1 |
nose bleeds | 1 |
nose broken | 1 |
nose complained | 1 |
nose cut | 1 |
nose facial | 1 |
nose impact | 1 |
nose laceration | 1 |
nose neck | 1 |
nose seizure | 1 |
nose sore | 1 |
noticable swelling | 1 |
numb arm | 1 |
numbness afterward | 1 |
numbness slurred | 1 |
numbness transported | 1 |
nurse detected | 1 |
observed nbsp | 1 |
obvious bump | 1 |
obvious deformity | 1 |
office nbsp | 1 |
office requesting | 1 |
operational failure | 1 |
overnight 4yo | 1 |
pack applied | 1 |
painful knee | 1 |
pale clammy | 1 |
palm required | 1 |
paramedics advised | 1 |
paramedics assessment | 1 |
paramedics examined | 1 |
parent’s request | 1 |
parents declined | 1 |
park medic | 1 |
partially severed | 1 |
particle fell | 1 |
patient hospitalization | 1 |
patron bumped | 1 |
patron claims | 1 |
patron drove | 1 |
patron experienced | 1 |
patron feels | 1 |
patron landed | 1 |
patron reports | 1 |
patron stated | 1 |
patron suffered | 1 |
patron unable | 1 |
patron’s eye | 1 |
patron’s hand | 1 |
patron’s spine | 1 |
patrons 10yo | 1 |
patrons stated | 1 |
perforated bowel | 1 |
persistent low | 1 |
person transported | 1 |
personal health | 1 |
personal illness | 1 |
personal information | 1 |
personal medical | 1 |
phone call | 1 |
photophobia transported | 1 |
physical scrapes | 1 |
piercing headache | 1 |
pinched arm | 1 |
pinched fingers | 1 |
pinched foot | 1 |
pinched hand | 1 |
pinched thumb | 1 |
pinched toe | 1 |
pink eye | 1 |
popped blood | 1 |
popping bruising | 1 |
possibel concussion | 1 |
possibly due | 1 |
possibly fractures | 1 |
post surgery | 1 |
potassium transported | 1 |
potential asthma | 1 |
potential eye | 1 |
precautionary reasons | 1 |
preexisting medical | 1 |
prescribed nitro | 1 |
pressure dizziness | 1 |
pressure patron | 1 |
previous head | 1 |
previous health | 1 |
previous hernia | 1 |
previous history | 1 |
private physician | 1 |
private vehicles | 1 |
probable seizure | 1 |
profuse bleeding | 1 |
profuse sweating | 1 |
prolonged nausea | 1 |
provide medical | 1 |
pubic bone | 1 |
punctured ear | 1 |
punctured lung | 1 |
puntured skin | 1 |
purple eye | 1 |
quot 119lbs | 1 |
quot cut | 1 |
quot head | 1 |
quot scalp | 1 |
racing heartbeat | 1 |
rapid breathing | 1 |
ray ruled | 1 |
rayed results | 1 |
reaction patron | 1 |
reactrive nbsp | 1 |
received breathing | 1 |
received cortisone | 1 |
received laceration | 1 |
received medications | 1 |
recent surgery | 1 |
reconstructive surgery | 1 |
red line | 1 |
redness bruising | 1 |
regional medical | 1 |
repeated nose | 1 |
repetetive questions | 1 |
report stated | 1 |
reported bladder | 1 |
reported injuries | 1 |
reported low | 1 |
reported stomach | 1 |
reports history | 1 |
requested transport | 1 |
requiring dermabond | 1 |
requiring liquid | 1 |
requiring root | 1 |
requring surgery | 1 |
respiratory failure | 1 |
respiratory issue | 1 |
responds slowly | 1 |
responsive shaking | 1 |
retina correction | 1 |
reveal fracture | 1 |
rib contusion | 1 |
rib fracture | 1 |
rib transported | 1 |
ribs breast | 1 |
ribs difficulty | 1 |
ribs knee | 1 |
ribs trunk | 1 |
ride inspector | 1 |
ride minor | 1 |
ride tingling | 1 |
rider suffered | 1 |
riding ems | 1 |
ring fingers | 1 |
root canal | 1 |
round swollen | 1 |
rt fore | 1 |
ruptured appendix | 1 |
ruptured carotid | 1 |
scalp hip | 1 |
scalp torn | 1 |
scapula shoulder | 1 |
school due | 1 |
scraped knee | 1 |
scraped knees | 1 |
scraped left | 1 |
scrapes brusing | 1 |
scrapes buises | 1 |
scratch abrasion | 1 |
seatbelt strap | 1 |
seizure admitted | 1 |
seizure ambulance | 1 |
seizure aura | 1 |
seizure focus | 1 |
seizure head | 1 |
seizure medical | 1 |
seizure mother | 1 |
seizure patron | 1 |
seizure severe | 1 |
seizure shortness | 1 |
seizures ambulance | 1 |
severe abdominal | 1 |
severe bleeding | 1 |
severe brain | 1 |
severe burn | 1 |
severe burns | 1 |
severe cramping | 1 |
severe migraine | 1 |
severe motion | 1 |
severed bicep | 1 |
severely injured | 1 |
shaking seizure | 1 |
shaky dizzy | 1 |
shaky passed | 1 |
shin bruising | 1 |
shin possibly | 1 |
shins requiring | 1 |
shock hands | 1 |
short period | 1 |
shoulder 47yo | 1 |
shoulder armpit | 1 |
shoulder blade | 1 |
shoulder concussion | 1 |
shoulder hand | 1 |
shoulder increasing | 1 |
shoulder nbsp | 1 |
shoulder pulled | 1 |
shoulder skinned | 1 |
shoulder tightness | 1 |
shoulder treated | 1 |
sided facial | 1 |
significant injuries | 1 |
sized bruise | 1 |
sized lump | 1 |
skin graft | 1 |
skin infection | 1 |
skin irritation | 1 |
skin rash | 1 |
skin tear | 1 |
skin torn | 1 |
skinned knee | 1 |
skull fracture | 1 |
skull laceration | 1 |
skull scalp | 1 |
sleepy nauseated | 1 |
sleepy paramedics | 1 |
slight bruising | 1 |
slight headache | 1 |
slightest touch | 1 |
slipped disk | 1 |
smoke inhalation | 1 |
sore arm | 1 |
sore bruised | 1 |
sore tailbone | 1 |
spasms difficulty | 1 |
spinal cord | 1 |
spine difficulty | 1 |
spine tenderness | 1 |
spine transported | 1 |
spiral fracture | 1 |
splinter embedded | 1 |
split thumb | 1 |
sprain refused | 1 |
sprain swelling | 1 |
sprained calf | 1 |
sprained foot | 1 |
sprained hand | 1 |
sprained lower | 1 |
stabilized child’s | 1 |
stable condition | 1 |
staph infection | 1 |
staples mild | 1 |
stated multiple | 1 |
stiffness spasms | 1 |
stiffness stress | 1 |
stitches hospitalized | 1 |
stitches required | 1 |
stomach lower | 1 |
stomach nbsp | 1 |
stomach surgery | 1 |
stopped breathing | 1 |
strained ankle | 1 |
strained left | 1 |
strained muscle | 1 |
strained muscles | 1 |
strained neck | 1 |
strap mid | 1 |
struck head | 1 |
subdural hematoma | 1 |
subdural hematomas | 1 |
subject complained | 1 |
subungual hematoma | 1 |
sudden severe | 1 |
suffered brain | 1 |
suffered extensive | 1 |
suffered fall | 1 |
suffered neck | 1 |
sunburn broke | 1 |
superficial abrasion | 1 |
surgery abdominal | 1 |
surgical incision | 1 |
surgical site | 1 |
suspected syncope | 1 |
sustained fractured | 1 |
sweating disorientation | 1 |
sweating dizziness | 1 |
sweating jaw | 1 |
sweating numbness | 1 |
sweating pale | 1 |
swelling deformity | 1 |
swollen arm | 1 |
swollen hands | 1 |
swollen history | 1 |
swollen nose | 1 |
swollen painful | 1 |
swollen purple | 1 |
swollen wrist | 1 |
symptoms loss | 1 |
symptoms size | 1 |
t1 vertebrae | 1 |
tachycardic due | 1 |
takes naporsin | 1 |
taking child | 1 |
tear stated | 1 |
teeth abrasion | 1 |
temple nbsp | 1 |
temporary visual | 1 |
tenderness deformity | 1 |
tenderness photophobia | 1 |
tendons exposed | 1 |
term blindness | 1 |
therapy required | 1 |
thigh bruised | 1 |
thigh stomach | 1 |
thoracic strain | 1 |
thumb popped | 1 |
thumb requiring | 1 |
tib fib | 1 |
tibia left | 1 |
tingling inher | 1 |
tingly red | 1 |
tire tracks | 1 |
tiredness transported | 1 |
tissue injuries | 1 |
titanium rod | 1 |
toe nail | 1 |
toes nbsp | 1 |
toes patron | 1 |
tooth bleeding | 1 |
tooth broke | 1 |
tooth chipped | 1 |
tooth complained | 1 |
tooth dental | 1 |
tooth incisor | 1 |
tooth knocked | 1 |
tooth nbsp | 1 |
tooth rebuilt | 1 |
tooth repaired | 1 |
tore thumb | 1 |
torn carotid | 1 |
torn cartilage | 1 |
torn esophagus | 1 |
torn halfway | 1 |
torn ligament | 1 |
torn retina | 1 |
torn tendons | 1 |
transported patron’s | 1 |
trauma injuries | 1 |
trolley paramedics | 1 |
trouble swallowing | 1 |
truck suffered | 1 |
trunk transported | 1 |
twisted swollen | 1 |
twisted wrist | 1 |
uncontrollable vomiting | 1 |
underarm region | 1 |
unspecified minor | 1 |
unverified reports | 1 |
unwell elevated | 1 |
upper arms | 1 |
upper eyelid | 1 |
upper rib | 1 |
upper teeth | 1 |
uterine cramps | 1 |
vertebra femur | 1 |
vertigo nausea | 1 |
visible injuries | 1 |
visible trauma | 1 |
vision concussion | 1 |
vision nausea | 1 |
vitals blood | 1 |
vomited reported | 1 |
vomiting diarrhea | 1 |
vomiting dizzy | 1 |
vomiting headache | 1 |
vomiting intoxication | 1 |
vomiting lethargic | 1 |
vomiting shortness | 1 |
vomiting sleepiness | 1 |
walk medics | 1 |
walk parents | 1 |
water exposure | 1 |
water squirted | 1 |
weak transported | 1 |
weakness cannabis | 1 |
weakness collapse | 1 |
weakness fatigue | 1 |
weakness hands | 1 |
weakness left | 1 |
weakness nausea | 1 |
weakness slurred | 1 |
weakness vomiting | 1 |
weaknesss low | 1 |
week 13yo | 1 |
week hospitalization | 1 |
weeks earlier | 1 |
weight transported | 1 |
whiplash lasting | 1 |
wide lacerations | 1 |
workers suffered | 1 |
wrist abrasion | 1 |
wrist foot | 1 |
wrist hand | 1 |
wrist head | 1 |
wrist patron | 1 |
wrist scraped | 1 |
wrist transported | 1 |
xray recommended | 1 |
We can also visually look at how these words relate (cluster) together through the use of a bi-gram graph using the {igraph}
and {ggraph}
injury_bigrams_filtered %>%
count(word1, word2, sort = TRUE) %>%
filter(n > 5) %>%
We see how these words tend to cluster together. If we had a specific research question, we could dig deeper into these.
Types of Injury by Manufacturer
Q: What injuries are most often associated with what manufacturers?
We can organize these data to look at the most common injuries reported by manufacturer as well.
injury_bigrams_unite <- injury_bigrams_filtered %>%
unite(bigram, word1, word2, sep = " ")
manuf_of_interest <- injury_bigrams_unite %>%
count(manufacturer, sort = TRUE) %>%
filter(manufacturer != "Unknown") %>%
injury_bigrams_unite %>%
filter(manufacturer %in% manuf_of_interest$manufacturer) %>%
count(manufacturer, bigram, sort = TRUE) %>%
arrange(manufacturer, desc(n)) %>%
group_by(manufacturer) %>%
slice(1:5) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(manufacturer = as.factor(manufacturer),
bigram = reorder_within(bigram, n, manufacturer)) %>%
ggplot(aes(bigram, n, order = -n, fill = manufacturer)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_x_reordered() +
labs(x = NULL, y = "Number of Incidents",
title = "Most common injuries reported by manufacturer",
subtitle = "Analyzing manufacturers with five most reported incidents") + facet_wrap(~manufacturer, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
Types of Incidents by Ride Category
Q: Are certain types of rides more dangerous?
We can look at the meta groupings (7 groups in these data). The figure below shows the number of incidents according to the amusement ride category.
dat %>%
count(device_category) %>%
mutate(device_category = fct_reorder(device_category, n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(device_category, n, fill = device_category)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = NULL, y = "Number of Incidents",
title = "Number of reported incidents by amusement ride category")
Clearly, there are more incidents that involve Coaster rides. We could also expand the device categories to see what device types are creating the most number of incidents.
Types of Injury by Ride Type
We can look at the more granular ride types (52 types in these data). The table below shows the number of incidents according to the ride type.
dat %>%
count(`Ride Type` = device_type, name = "Number of Injuries", sort = TRUE) %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
scroll_box (height = "400px")
Ride Type | Number of Injuries |
Coaster - steel | 860 |
Track ride | 302 |
Coaster - wooden | 208 |
Flume ride | 170 |
Boat ride | 156 |
Carousel | 101 |
Rafting ride | 95 |
Coaster - family/kiddie | 92 |
Drop tower | 90 |
Bumper car | 87 |
Car ride | 84 |
Shoot the chute | 82 |
Train/tram | 81 |
Simulator | 80 |
Spinning cups/tubs | 73 |
Swing ride | 69 |
Walk-through | 68 |
Ferris/gondola wheel | 55 |
Roundabout | 55 |
Sizzler/scrambler | 54 |
Himalaya-type | 52 |
Spinning pendulum | 46 |
Plane/jet/helicopter | 45 |
Tilt-a-whirl/waltzer | 38 |
Wheel w/spinning cars | 36 |
Whip | 31 |
Orbiter/octopus-type | 30 |
Pirate ship | 26 |
Hanglider ride | 25 |
Robotic ride | 25 |
Rotor/gravitron | 23 |
Flying carpet ride | 20 |
Trabant | 19 |
Claw-type | 18 |
Sky ride/ski lift | 18 |
Kamikaze/inverter-type | 16 |
Enterprise | 13 |
Spinning tower ride | 13 |
Spinning track ride | 13 |
Paratrooper-type | 12 |
Flipping platform | 11 |
Giant swing | 9 |
Spinning ride - misc. | 9 |
Roll-o-plane/booster/speed | 7 |
Tornado-type | 6 |
Bumper boat | 4 |
Reverse bungee | 3 |
Bungee jump | 2 |
Coaster - unidentified | 2 |
gyro loop | 2 |
Looper | 1 |
Non-motorized spinners | 1 |
dat %>%
count(device_category, device_type, sort = TRUE) %>%
arrange(device_category, desc(n)) %>%
group_by(device_category) %>%
slice(1:5) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(device_category = as.factor(device_category),
device_type = reorder_within(device_type, n, device_category)) %>%
ggplot(aes(device_type, n, order = -n, fill = device_category)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_x_reordered() +
labs(x = NULL, y = "Number of incidents",
title = "Most common incidents according to ride type",
subtitle = "Categorized by ride category") +
facet_wrap(~device_category, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
Types of Injury by Ride Category.
Finally, we can look at the most common injuries according to ride category.
injury_bigrams_unite %>%
count(device_category, bigram, sort = TRUE) %>%
arrange(device_category, desc(n)) %>%
group_by(device_category) %>%
slice(1:6) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(device_category = as.factor(device_category),
bigram = reorder_within(bigram, n, device_category)) %>%
ggplot(aes(bigram, n, order = -n, fill = device_category)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_x_reordered() +
labs(x = NULL, y = "Number of incidents",
title = "Most common injuries reported by ride category",
subtitle = "Analyzing device categories with six most reported bi-grams") +
facet_wrap(~device_category, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
These make sense, it is interesting to see that the majority of the injuries occur on the left side of individuals. This could be due to the reporting practices (in fact, no ‘right’ side injuries were reported at all) or due to some other commonality of rides (perhaps they all swing in the same direction).
Accident Text Analysis
Q: What types of accidents occur most frequently?
We will use the same text analysis process that we used previously to see if we can find patterns in the accident descriptions according to incident.
acc_tokens <- dat %>%
select(acc_id, acc_desc) %>%
unnest_tokens(word, acc_desc) %>%
my_stop_words <- c("patron", "ride", "stated", "riding", "pain", "attraction")
acc_tokens <- acc_tokens %>% anti_join(stop_words) %>% filter(!word %in% my_stop_words)
First, we will look at the common words used when reporting accidents in these data.
acc_tokens %>% count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
mutate(word = fct_reorder(word, n)) %>%
slice(1:20) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = word, y = n, fill = word)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_grey(start = 0.8, end = 0.3) +
labs(x = "", y = "Number of incidents",
title = "Twenty most common reported words in the accident description")
Second, we will use a word-cloud to create an alternate visual
acc_tokens %>% count(word) %>% with(wordcloud(word, n, max.words = 100, colors = c( "#56B4E9", "#E69F00")))
Falling seems to be a contributing factor to many of these incidents.
Bi-gram graph
Finally, we will use bi-grams to understand how accidents are described.
acc_bigrams <- dat %>%
unnest_tokens(bigram, acc_desc, token = "ngrams", n = 2)
acc_bigrams_sep <- acc_bigrams %>%
separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ")
acc_bigrams_filtered <- acc_bigrams_sep %>%
filter(!word1 %in% c(stop_words$word, my_stop_words),
!word2 %in% c(stop_words$word, my_stop_words),
acc_bigrams_filtered %>%
unite(bigram, word1, word2, sep = " ") %>%
count(bigram, name = "number_of_incidents", sort = TRUE) %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%
scroll_box(height = "400px")
bigram | number_of_incidents |
lap bar | 181 |
pre existing | 68 |
left knee | 60 |
blood pressure | 49 |
left shoulder | 35 |
existing medical | 33 |
medical condition | 31 |
left arm | 29 |
left ankle | 27 |
left hand | 27 |
fell forward | 25 |
hit head | 24 |
left leg | 22 |
restraint bar | 22 |
seat belt | 22 |
child fell | 21 |
experienced neck | 21 |
motion sickness | 21 |
steering wheel | 21 |
owner operator | 20 |
patron’s mother | 19 |
existing condition | 18 |
chest pains | 17 |
final drop | 17 |
safety bar | 17 |
fell backwards | 16 |
late report | 16 |
left wrist | 16 |
personal medical | 16 |
experienced chest | 15 |
left foot | 15 |
male received | 15 |
difficulty breathing | 14 |
left eye | 13 |
shoulder restraint | 13 |
sudden stop | 13 |
bumper car | 12 |
child hit | 12 |
female received | 12 |
low blood | 12 |
medical issue | 12 |
car causing | 11 |
experiencing chest | 11 |
feeling dizzy | 11 |
investigators found | 11 |
left elbow | 11 |
medical history | 11 |
metal bar | 11 |
mother called | 11 |
age unknown | 10 |
cell phone | 10 |
exit gate | 10 |
exit ramp | 10 |
experienced dizziness | 10 |
queue line | 10 |
roller coaster | 10 |
splash pool | 10 |
abrupt stop | 9 |
bumper cars | 9 |
causing injury | 9 |
fell hitting | 9 |
foot slipped | 9 |
leaned forward | 9 |
left hip | 9 |
operator started | 9 |
patron’s hand | 9 |
patron’s head | 9 |
reported neck | 9 |
requested transport | 9 |
slid forward | 9 |
wing seat | 9 |
asthma attack | 8 |
bumped head | 8 |
fell exiting | 8 |
flip flops | 8 |
front seat | 8 |
lap bars | 8 |
lift hill | 8 |
light headed | 8 |
lost consciousness | 8 |
medical care | 8 |
nose bleed | 8 |
panic attack | 8 |
ring finger | 8 |
anxiety attack | 7 |
chest pressure | 7 |
ferris wheel | 7 |
foot caught | 7 |
forward hitting | 7 |
front teeth | 7 |
front tooth | 7 |
grab bar | 7 |
hit mouth | 7 |
index finger | 7 |
severe headache | 7 |
sought medical | 7 |
wearing flip | 7 |
car moved | 6 |
experienced nausea | 6 |
experienced severe | 6 |
experienced shortness | 6 |
experiencing neck | 6 |
falling forward | 6 |
female complained | 6 |
front car | 6 |
fun house | 6 |
guest hit | 6 |
hand caught | 6 |
hand rail | 6 |
head hit | 6 |
hit tooth | 6 |
log flume | 6 |
male complained | 6 |
medical conditions | 6 |
middle finger | 6 |
multiple times | 6 |
paramedics transported | 6 |
patron’s car | 6 |
patron’s friend | 6 |
patron’s left | 6 |
tea cup | 6 |
train car | 6 |
unknown object | 6 |
3d glasses | 5 |
3rd row | 5 |
aid station | 5 |
bar hit | 5 |
beach ball | 5 |
car nbsp | 5 |
carousel horse | 5 |
child bumped | 5 |
child slipped | 5 |
children ages | 5 |
complete stop | 5 |
exit steps | 5 |
feeling weak | 5 |
fell backward | 5 |
fire department | 5 |
front row | 5 |
gates closed | 5 |
head nbsp | 5 |
head rest | 5 |
heart attack | 5 |
hitting head | 5 |
home position | 5 |
left eyebrow | 5 |
left rib | 5 |
left shin | 5 |
left thumb | 5 |
load unload | 5 |
lower leg | 5 |
minor injuries | 5 |
moving walkway | 5 |
operator noticed | 5 |
operator stopped | 5 |
patron’s foot | 5 |
patrons ages | 5 |
patrons reported | 5 |
pinky finger | 5 |
reported feeling | 5 |
reported injuries | 5 |
seat belts | 5 |
seizure disorder | 5 |
seizure history | 5 |
shoulder harness | 5 |
shoulder injury | 5 |
slurred speech | 5 |
started feeling | 5 |
stopped abruptly | 5 |
syncopal episode | 5 |
unload station | 5 |
vehicle arrived | 5 |
weeks pregnant | 5 |
accident inspection | 4 |
anxiety attacks | 4 |
bar restraint | 4 |
boat moved | 4 |
boat nbsp | 4 |
called park | 4 |
car hit | 4 |
car ran | 4 |
carrier causing | 4 |
child jumped | 4 |
coaster train | 4 |
contacted park | 4 |
conveyor belt | 4 |
days prior | 4 |
dislocated shoulder | 4 |
entrance gate | 4 |
existing conditions | 4 |
existing history | 4 |
exit stairs | 4 |
exiting vehicle | 4 |
experienced whiplash | 4 |
fall forward | 4 |
father called | 4 |
feeling nauseous | 4 |
fell entering | 4 |
fell striking | 4 |
female patrons | 4 |
forward causing | 4 |
front left | 4 |
handle bar | 4 |
head hurt | 4 |
heart condition | 4 |
height limit | 4 |
hit knee | 4 |
immediately stopped | 4 |
investigate accidents | 4 |
irregular heartbeat | 4 |
knee dislocated | 4 |
left ear | 4 |
left ring | 4 |
leg twisted | 4 |
loading platform | 4 |
months ago | 4 |
months pregnant | 4 |
moved forward | 4 |
nausea vomiting | 4 |
nbsp operator | 4 |
neck hurt | 4 |
neck snapped | 4 |
operator ran | 4 |
operator told | 4 |
park stating | 4 |
patron’s father | 4 |
post accident | 4 |
raft stopped | 4 |
red car | 4 |
regulators issued | 4 |
regulatory unit | 4 |
restraint system | 4 |
roller wheel | 4 |
safety brake | 4 |
started hurting | 4 |
stepped wrong | 4 |
stopped suddenly | 4 |
struck head | 4 |
symptoms worsened | 4 |
takes medication | 4 |
tree branch | 4 |
tripped exiting | 4 |
unknown received | 4 |
unload platform | 4 |
upper arm | 4 |
vehicle injuring | 4 |
woman fell | 4 |
13yo boy | 3 |
1st train | 3 |
3yo girl | 3 |
adult male | 3 |
air gates | 3 |
ankle injury | 3 |
arm causing | 3 |
arm rest | 3 |
backwards hitting | 3 |
bar nbsp | 3 |
bar released | 3 |
bar struck | 3 |
blood vessels | 3 |
boat causing | 3 |
boat entered | 3 |
bottom lip | 3 |
boy fell | 3 |
car door | 3 |
car stopped | 3 |
causing neck | 3 |
center hub | 3 |
center pole | 3 |
chest wall | 3 |
child ran | 3 |
child’s hand | 3 |
chipped front | 3 |
clam shell | 3 |
coaster car | 3 |
condition worsened | 3 |
emergency stop | 3 |
employee fell | 3 |
experienced difficulty | 3 |
experienced left | 3 |
experienced lower | 3 |
experiencing shortness | 3 |
febrile seizure | 3 |
feel dizzy | 3 |
feel ill | 3 |
fell injuring | 3 |
female age | 3 |
finger caught | 3 |
fire dept | 3 |
fire truck | 3 |
flip flop | 3 |
foreign body | 3 |
found sitting | 3 |
front dash | 3 |
ground hitting | 3 |
ground landing | 3 |
hand slipped | 3 |
head forward | 3 |
heart rate | 3 |
height requirement | 3 |
hit lap | 3 |
hospital due | 3 |
hospital treated | 3 |
inches tall | 3 |
injured person | 3 |
knee injury | 3 |
knee pop | 3 |
knee popped | 3 |
law enforcement | 3 |
left middle | 3 |
left upper | 3 |
leg numbness | 3 |
light fixture | 3 |
line gate | 3 |
line rail | 3 |
loading dock | 3 |
loading process | 3 |
local hospital | 3 |
locking mechanism | 3 |
lower abdominal | 3 |
lower left | 3 |
lower lip | 3 |
media report | 3 |
medical assistance | 3 |
medical facility | 3 |
medical issues | 3 |
memory loss | 3 |
metal platform | 3 |
minimum height | 3 |
months prior | 3 |
motion causing | 3 |
moving belt | 3 |
moving forward | 3 |
nauseous vomiting | 3 |
nbsp ems | 3 |
nbsp guest | 3 |
nbsp owner | 3 |
normal operation | 3 |
operator closed | 3 |
operator error | 3 |
operator hit | 3 |
operator immediately | 3 |
operator pulled | 3 |
park nurse | 3 |
passenger car | 3 |
passenger carrying | 3 |
patron’s daughter | 3 |
patron’s family | 3 |
patron’s wife | 3 |
personal physician | 3 |
personal wheelchair | 3 |
platform hitting | 3 |
previous medical | 3 |
quot tall | 3 |
raised arms | 3 |
rapid heart | 3 |
reported chest | 3 |
requested assistance | 3 |
requested medical | 3 |
rib cage | 3 |
rotating platform | 3 |
safety cable | 3 |
safety restraint | 3 |
seat landing | 3 |
seat tilted | 3 |
severe neck | 3 |
shoulder dislocation | 3 |
shoulder neck | 3 |
similar symptoms | 3 |
sitting position | 3 |
takes medicine | 3 |
tripped falling | 3 |
unload passengers | 3 |
unload position | 3 |
vehicle causing | 3 |
vehicle hitting | 3 |
vehicle moved | 3 |
water bottle | 3 |
week prior | 3 |
weeks ago | 3 |
11yo girl | 2 |
13yo girl | 2 |
2nd drop | 2 |
2nd row | 2 |
2nd time | 2 |
2yo grandson | 2 |
3yo boy | 2 |
3yo child | 2 |
47yo male | 2 |
5th finger | 2 |
abrupt stoppage | 2 |
abruptly causing | 2 |
accidentally pushed | 2 |
adjusted cable | 2 |
aid complaining | 2 |
aid personnel | 2 |
aid report | 2 |
aid staff | 2 |
allergic reaction | 2 |
amp hit | 2 |
ankle rolled | 2 |
ankle transported | 2 |
ankle walking | 2 |
arm bar | 2 |
arm fell | 2 |
arm injured | 2 |
arm shoulder | 2 |
attendant closed | 2 |
attorney contacted | 2 |
backwards causing | 2 |
backwards striking | 2 |
balance falling | 2 |
bar causing | 2 |
bar closed | 2 |
bar hitting | 2 |
bar inside | 2 |
bar latch | 2 |
bar lowered | 2 |
bar pushed | 2 |
bar slipped | 2 |
bear weight | 2 |
bent forward | 2 |
blue car | 2 |
boat hit | 2 |
boat injuring | 2 |
boat landed | 2 |
boat sitting | 2 |
boat slipped | 2 |
boat stopped | 2 |
boat struck | 2 |
boat’s splash | 2 |
bolt fell | 2 |
bonnet hooks | 2 |
boy’s restraint | 2 |
brake deployment | 2 |
brake housing | 2 |
broke free | 2 |
broken arm | 2 |
bumped heads | 2 |
cable detached | 2 |
cable drive | 2 |
cable tension | 2 |
called transported | 2 |
car accident | 2 |
car operator | 2 |
car rear | 2 |
car rounded | 2 |
cardiac condition | 2 |
carnival company | 2 |
carousel platform | 2 |
carrier rolled | 2 |
cars stopped | 2 |
cart started | 2 |
cast removed | 2 |
catch chain | 2 |
caught fire | 2 |
caught foot | 2 |
caused bruising | 2 |
causing rider | 2 |
causing wear | 2 |
center circle | 2 |
center ring | 2 |
center wheel | 2 |
chain causing | 2 |
chain dog | 2 |
chair nbsp | 2 |
chest discomfort | 2 |
child child | 2 |
child chipped | 2 |
child experienced | 2 |
child injured | 2 |
child received | 2 |
child rode | 2 |
child struck | 2 |
child’s arm | 2 |
child’s left | 2 |
child’s mother | 2 |
chipped tooth | 2 |
coaster cars | 2 |
coaster earlier | 2 |
cycle injured | 2 |
dash pad | 2 |
daughter exited | 2 |
daughter experienced | 2 |
daughter fell | 2 |
daughter hit | 2 |
daughter injured | 2 |
days earlier | 2 |
deck plates | 2 |
department attempted | 2 |
descending properly | 2 |
difficulty walking | 2 |
dizzy lightheaded | 2 |
dog abrupt | 2 |
door closed | 2 |
door frame | 2 |
door gate | 2 |
drive tire | 2 |
dropped cell | 2 |
ear infection | 2 |
el toro | 2 |
electric shock | 2 |
emergency brake | 2 |
emergency cord | 2 |
ems arrived | 2 |
ems personnel | 2 |
emts arrived | 2 |
entrance fell | 2 |
evacuation involving | 2 |
evacuation procedure | 2 |
evacuation process | 2 |
existing heart | 2 |
existing seizure | 2 |
exit platform | 2 |
exit step | 2 |
exiting boat | 2 |
exiting car | 2 |
exiting seat | 2 |
experience neck | 2 |
experienced head | 2 |
experienced leg | 2 |
experienced low | 2 |
experienced rapid | 2 |
experienced similar | 2 |
experienced upper | 2 |
experienced vaginal | 2 |
experiencing difficulty | 2 |
experiencing dizziness | 2 |
experiencing symptoms | 2 |
facial drooping | 2 |
facing forward | 2 |
failed causing | 2 |
fall backwards | 2 |
fast causing | 2 |
febrile seizures | 2 |
feeling faint | 2 |
feet legs | 2 |
fell bumping | 2 |
fell head | 2 |
fell stepping | 2 |
fence fell | 2 |
fence operator | 2 |
finger pinched | 2 |
flew forward | 2 |
floor plates | 2 |
foot fell | 2 |
foot slid | 2 |
foot struck | 2 |
foot stuck | 2 |
friend’s head | 2 |
friend’s shoulder | 2 |
gate closed | 2 |
gate slammed | 2 |
girl fell | 2 |
girl ran | 2 |
glasses broke | 2 |
grab bars | 2 |
ground level | 2 |
guest fell | 2 |
guest seated | 2 |
hand bar | 2 |
hand hit | 2 |
hand stuck | 2 |
head causing | 2 |
head flew | 2 |
head jerked | 2 |
head mother | 2 |
head multiple | 2 |
head snapped | 2 |
head started | 2 |
headache dizziness | 2 |
heart attacks | 2 |
heart palpatations | 2 |
heart palpitations | 2 |
heart surgery | 2 |
hinge pin | 2 |
hit elbow | 2 |
hit eyebrow | 2 |
hit front | 2 |
hit left | 2 |
hit lip | 2 |
horse injuring | 2 |
hospital er | 2 |
hydraulic tensioners | 2 |
immediately afterward | 2 |
immediately closed | 2 |
immediately shut | 2 |
improperly adjusted | 2 |
incident occurred | 2 |
incidents involving | 2 |
initial report | 2 |
injured guest | 2 |
injuries reported | 2 |
injury occurred | 2 |
inside row | 2 |
inside seat | 2 |
inspection found | 2 |
inspection procedures | 2 |
issued requirements | 2 |
jerked forward | 2 |
jerking motion | 2 |
knee bent | 2 |
knee hit | 2 |
knee replacement | 2 |
landed hard | 2 |
language barrier | 2 |
lap belt | 2 |
lap restraint | 2 |
leaning forward | 2 |
left 5th | 2 |
left calf | 2 |
left eyelid | 2 |
left index | 2 |
left lower | 2 |
left ribcage | 2 |
left seat | 2 |
left temple | 2 |
left wing | 2 |
leg caught | 2 |
leg fell | 2 |
leg hit | 2 |
leg injuries | 2 |
leg injury | 2 |
leg started | 2 |
leg weakness | 2 |
legs causing | 2 |
local medical | 2 |
log flum | 2 |
lose balance | 2 |
loud pop | 2 |
lower abdomen | 2 |
lower lift | 2 |
main axle | 2 |
maintenance department | 2 |
maintenance personnel | 2 |
manual mode | 2 |
marijuana brownie | 2 |
mechanical failure | 2 |
medical services | 2 |
medical treatment | 2 |
metal frame | 2 |
metal railing | 2 |
metal walkway | 2 |
mid section | 2 |
middle seat | 2 |
middle seats | 2 |
months earlier | 2 |
mother emailed | 2 |
mother nbsp | 2 |
mother phoned | 2 |
mother pulled | 2 |
mother’s car | 2 |
motion sick | 2 |
moved causing | 2 |
moving car | 2 |
moving platform | 2 |
moving stairs | 2 |
nauseous dizzy | 2 |
nbsp boat | 2 |
nbsp child | 2 |
nbsp cpsc | 2 |
nbsp mother | 2 |
neck crack | 2 |
neck jerked | 2 |
neck snap | 2 |
news article | 2 |
normal conditions | 2 |
oncoming chair | 2 |
operating correctly | 2 |
operator caught | 2 |
operator checked | 2 |
operator disputes | 2 |
operator failed | 2 |
operator heard | 2 |
operator instructed | 2 |
operator loaded | 2 |
operator lowered | 2 |
operator pushed | 2 |
operator released | 2 |
panic attacks | 2 |
pant leg | 2 |
paramedics called | 2 |
park decided | 2 |
park employee | 2 |
park maintenance | 2 |
park reports | 2 |
passenger cars | 2 |
patron’s arm | 2 |
patron’s aunt | 2 |
patron’s boat | 2 |
patron’s elbow | 2 |
patron’s feet | 2 |
patron’s finger | 2 |
patron’s husband | 2 |
patron’s knee | 2 |
patron’s leg | 2 |
patron’s raft | 2 |
patron’s sister | 2 |
patron’s son | 2 |
patron’s vehicle | 2 |
physically check | 2 |
pin weldment | 2 |
platform causing | 2 |
platform nbsp | 2 |
pop sensation | 2 |
possibly due | 2 |
pre exiting | 2 |
preexisting condition | 2 |
preexisting medical | 2 |
prescription medicine | 2 |
pressure diabetes | 2 |
previous day | 2 |
previous history | 2 |
previous incident | 2 |
previous night | 2 |
prior history | 2 |
prior medical | 2 |
prior neck | 2 |
prior seizure | 2 |
proper position | 2 |
properly due | 2 |
prosthetic leg | 2 |
qline pole | 2 |
queue railing | 2 |
quot stop | 2 |
racing heart | 2 |
raft hit | 2 |
recent surgery | 2 |
refused medical | 2 |
refused transport | 2 |
refused treatment | 2 |
regulators learned | 2 |
release button | 2 |
report injury | 2 |
reported incident | 2 |
reported left | 2 |
reported lower | 2 |
reports hitting | 2 |
request assistance | 2 |
requested paramedics | 2 |
restraint mechanism | 2 |
rib fracture | 2 |
ride’s metal | 2 |
rode robot | 2 |
row left | 2 |
safety bars | 2 |
safety harness | 2 |
safety system | 2 |
seat causing | 2 |
seat hitting | 2 |
seat rest | 2 |
seat restraint | 2 |
seated causing | 2 |
severe stomach | 2 |
severely corroded | 2 |
sharp edges | 2 |
sheet metal | 2 |
shoulder blade | 2 |
shoulder dislocations | 2 |
shoulder guest | 2 |
shoulder hit | 2 |
shoulder pop | 2 |
sided facial | 2 |
similar episode | 2 |
simulator cabin | 2 |
slide forward | 2 |
slipped forward | 2 |
slipped injuring | 2 |
slipped striking | 2 |
slipped tripped | 2 |
slipper shoe | 2 |
son exit | 2 |
son fell | 2 |
son rode | 2 |
sore neck | 2 |
spinning fast | 2 |
spinning wheel | 2 |
spiral slide | 2 |
spring loaded | 2 |
started crying | 2 |
started experiencing | 2 |
station gate | 2 |
station gates | 2 |
step causing | 2 |
step coming | 2 |
stepped forward | 2 |
steps nbsp | 2 |
stop causing | 2 |
striking head | 2 |
subject’s mother | 2 |
suddenly detached | 2 |
suffered minor | 2 |
surviving girls | 2 |
symptoms prior | 2 |
tea cups | 2 |
telephone report | 2 |
tension allowing | 2 |
theme park | 2 |
track causing | 2 |
trailing car | 2 |
train derailed | 2 |
train stopped | 2 |
transported treated | 2 |
trolley wheel | 2 |
trouble breathing | 2 |
twisted ankle | 2 |
unknown complained | 2 |
unknown guest | 2 |
unload patrons | 2 |
unloading process | 2 |
update maintenance | 2 |
upper leg | 2 |
vaginal bleeding | 2 |
vehicle door | 2 |
vehicle grab | 2 |
vehicle jerked | 2 |
vehicle seat | 2 |
victims fell | 2 |
wacky worm | 2 |
wave pool | 2 |
weak dizzy | 2 |
wear resulted | 2 |
wearing 3d | 2 |
weeks prior | 2 |
wet seat | 2 |
wheel fell | 2 |
wheel operator | 2 |
white car | 2 |
winged seat | 2 |
witness reported | 2 |
wood blocking | 2 |
wrist twisted | 2 |
100,000 macaroni | 1 |
10yo brother | 1 |
10yo girl | 1 |
10yo pacemaker | 1 |
11yo male | 1 |
12yo 15yo | 1 |
13yo nbsp | 1 |
14yo passenger | 1 |
15yo resulted | 1 |
16yo girl | 1 |
18mo toddlers | 1 |
18yo cousin | 1 |
1st car | 1 |
1st hill | 1 |
1st lift | 1 |
1yo child | 1 |
20yo male | 1 |
24yo woman | 1 |
27yo reported | 1 |
28yo mother | 1 |
28yo woman | 1 |
2nd car | 1 |
2nd level | 1 |
2nd seat | 1 |
2yo boy | 1 |
2yo brother | 1 |
2yo met | 1 |
2yo slid | 1 |
2yo son | 1 |
31yo female | 1 |
35yo male | 1 |
3d glassed | 1 |
3rd car | 1 |
3rd seat | 1 |
3yo daughter | 1 |
3yo male | 1 |
47yo female | 1 |
4th finger | 1 |
4th reported | 1 |
4th row | 1 |
4th step | 1 |
4yo daughter | 1 |
4yo girl | 1 |
4yo son | 1 |
5’2 quot | 1 |
5’9 quot | 1 |
59yo female | 1 |
5th toe | 1 |
5yo boy | 1 |
660lbs total | 1 |
6mo baby | 1 |
6yo boy | 1 |
6yo injured | 1 |
6yo son | 1 |
7mo due | 1 |
7yo boy | 1 |
7yo brother | 1 |
7yo girls | 1 |
7yo male | 1 |
8yo boy | 1 |
8yo child | 1 |
8yo daughter | 1 |
8yo nephew | 1 |
9yo 12yo | 1 |
9yo girl | 1 |
abdomen causing | 1 |
abdominal hernia | 1 |
abdominal pains | 1 |
acceleration jerk | 1 |
acceptable fall | 1 |
acceptance test | 1 |
access gate | 1 |
access track | 1 |
accident failure | 1 |
accident nbsp | 1 |
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accident scene | 1 |
accidentally bumped | 1 |
accidentally hit | 1 |
accidentally struck | 1 |
accidentally touched | 1 |
accidently bumped | 1 |
accidents cpsc’s | 1 |
accurate itinerary | 1 |
acl injury | 1 |
acorn nut | 1 |
acting confused | 1 |
acting normal | 1 |
acting sleepy | 1 |
acting strange | 1 |
action caused | 1 |
action coupled | 1 |
action resulted | 1 |
activity history | 1 |
actor allegedly | 1 |
actual seizure | 1 |
acute intense | 1 |
ada load | 1 |
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added seat | 1 |
adding sensors | 1 |
additional fasteners | 1 |
additional incidents | 1 |
additional inspection | 1 |
additional riders | 1 |
adequate interior | 1 |
adjacent basket | 1 |
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adjacent tire | 1 |
adjusted properly | 1 |
adjustment hurt | 1 |
administered returning | 1 |
adult rider | 1 |
adult woman | 1 |
advancing car | 1 |
advised responders | 1 |
aed shock | 1 |
affect skin | 1 |
affective disorder | 1 |
age height | 1 |
aggressively causing | 1 |
agitated unlatched | 1 |
ago causing | 1 |
ago cycling | 1 |
ago severe | 1 |
ahj required | 1 |
aid admits | 1 |
aid due | 1 |
aid normal | 1 |
aid reporting | 1 |
aid responded | 1 |
aid returned | 1 |
aid stating | 1 |
air brake | 1 |
air breaking | 1 |
air compression | 1 |
air flow | 1 |
air gate | 1 |
air line | 1 |
air pressure | 1 |
air shock | 1 |
air vent | 1 |
airplane flight | 1 |
airplane tail | 1 |
airplane wing | 1 |
alcohol policy | 1 |
alert family | 1 |
alerting driver | 1 |
alleged incident | 1 |
allegedly chipped | 1 |
allegedly dropped | 1 |
allegedly experienced | 1 |
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allegedly grabbed | 1 |
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allegedly rode | 1 |
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allegedy struck | 1 |
alleges son | 1 |
allerted personnel | 1 |
allowing slack | 1 |
altercation ensued | 1 |
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altering condition | 1 |
amp bumped | 1 |
amp chipped | 1 |
amp fell | 1 |
amp neck | 1 |
amp reached | 1 |
amp sled | 1 |
amp texting | 1 |
amusement rides | 1 |
ana wind | 1 |
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ankle disembarking | 1 |
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ankle hit | 1 |
ankle knee | 1 |
ankle laceration | 1 |
ankle pop | 1 |
ankle remaining | 1 |
ankle simply | 1 |
ankle sprain | 1 |
ankle stepping | 1 |
ankle stuck | 1 |
annual ndt | 1 |
anterior shoulder | 1 |
anti rollback | 1 |
anxiety condition | 1 |
aortic regurgitation | 1 |
apparent cardiac | 1 |
appeared alert | 1 |
appeared severely | 1 |
approached rider | 1 |
approaching storm | 1 |
approximate height | 1 |
arc disengaged | 1 |
arm amp | 1 |
arm caught | 1 |
arm contacted | 1 |
arm contacting | 1 |
arm due | 1 |
arm flew | 1 |
arm guest | 1 |
arm nbsp | 1 |
arm numbness | 1 |
arm park | 1 |
arm pinched | 1 |
arm positioning | 1 |
arm pressed | 1 |
arm strain | 1 |
arm stuck | 1 |
arm updated | 1 |
armrest causing | 1 |
arms bent | 1 |
arms nausea | 1 |
arms raised | 1 |
arms resulting | 1 |
arms straight | 1 |
arrived shortly | 1 |
arthritic knees | 1 |
assembly crank | 1 |
assist railing | 1 |
assistance claiming | 1 |
assistance emts | 1 |
assistance transport | 1 |
assistance transported | 1 |
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assistant pushed | 1 |
asthma park | 1 |
attached fan | 1 |
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attack nbsp | 1 |
attendant assisted | 1 |
attendant entered | 1 |
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attendant unhooked | 1 |
attendent unbuckled | 1 |
attention ran | 1 |
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attorney representing | 1 |
attraction’s warning | 1 |
attractions including | 1 |
attractions prior | 1 |
august claiming | 1 |
aunt lifted | 1 |
autistic mute | 1 |
autoimmune disorder | 1 |
automatic gates | 1 |
avoid water | 1 |
baby fell | 1 |
backpack caused | 1 |
backpack strap | 1 |
backward entering | 1 |
backward hitting | 1 |
backward nbsp | 1 |
bacterial infection | 1 |
bad headache | 1 |
balance causing | 1 |
balance stepping | 1 |
balancing requirments | 1 |
ball connecting | 1 |
ball hit | 1 |
ball scene | 1 |
balloon basket | 1 |
balloon gondola | 1 |
baoat nbsp | 1 |
bar adjacent | 1 |
bar appeared | 1 |
bar bracket | 1 |
bar bruised | 1 |
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bar caused | 1 |
bar check | 1 |
bar close | 1 |
bar dropped | 1 |
bar failures | 1 |
bar fracturing | 1 |
bar hurt | 1 |
bar locking | 1 |
bar multiple | 1 |
bar original | 1 |
bar prematurely | 1 |
bar pressed | 1 |
bar pressure | 1 |
bar prevented | 1 |
bar pushing | 1 |
bar releshed | 1 |
bar snapped | 1 |
bar striking | 1 |
bar switch | 1 |
bar transported | 1 |
bar walking | 1 |
bare feet | 1 |
barrier nbsp | 1 |
bars causing | 1 |
base preliminary | 1 |
basket nbsp | 1 |
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bear viewing | 1 |
bearing assembly | 1 |
bee flew | 1 |
bee sting | 1 |
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behavior normal | 1 |
belt appeared | 1 |
belt check | 1 |
belt dangling | 1 |
belt fastened | 1 |
belt installed | 1 |
belt slide | 1 |
belt stood | 1 |
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bench lid | 1 |
bench medics | 1 |
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bent backward | 1 |
bent funny | 1 |
bent released | 1 |
biceps tendon | 1 |
bigger rides | 1 |
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bilateral lower | 1 |
bilateral upper | 1 |
bioplastic heart | 1 |
bipolar disorder | 1 |
bird pigeon | 1 |
bit disoriented | 1 |
bladder infection | 1 |
bleed history | 1 |
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blind spot | 1 |
blisters broke | 1 |
blocking pieces | 1 |
blood clots | 1 |
bloody nose | 1 |
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blue fence | 1 |
blue ridge | 1 |
blue rotating | 1 |
blurred vision | 1 |
boarding train | 1 |
boards inside | 1 |
boat arrived | 1 |
boat attempted | 1 |
boat beegan | 1 |
boat bumped | 1 |
boat captain | 1 |
boat cut | 1 |
boat fell | 1 |
boat fracturing | 1 |
boat hitting | 1 |
boat jerked | 1 |
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boat lifted | 1 |
boat log | 1 |
boat maintenance | 1 |
boat missteped | 1 |
boat patron’s | 1 |
boat ran | 1 |
boat reached | 1 |
boat rocked | 1 |
boat seat | 1 |
boat shifted | 1 |
boat shortly | 1 |
boat slowed | 1 |
boat speed | 1 |
boat step | 1 |
boat stepping | 1 |
boat’s center | 1 |
boat’s floor | 1 |
boat’s radio | 1 |
bobsled roller | 1 |
body characteristics | 1 |
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body jumped | 1 |
body lifted | 1 |
body prior | 1 |
body struck | 1 |
bolt holding | 1 |
bolt located | 1 |
bolt pin | 1 |
bolts added | 1 |
bolts sheared | 1 |
bone cysts | 1 |
bone deformity | 1 |
bone fractures | 1 |
boot cast | 1 |
borderline diabetic | 1 |
born premature | 1 |
bottle struck | 1 |
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bottom front | 1 |
bottom latch | 1 |
bottom row | 1 |
bottom rung | 1 |
bottom teeth | 1 |
bottom wheel | 1 |
bouncing repeatedly | 1 |
bow parent | 1 |
box attached | 1 |
box cover | 1 |
boy diagnosed | 1 |
boy forward | 1 |
boy head | 1 |
boy jumped | 1 |
boy mistook | 1 |
boy stand | 1 |
boy yelped | 1 |
boy’s arm | 1 |
boy’s leg | 1 |
boyfriend denies | 1 |
boys foot | 1 |
brace bar | 1 |
brace failed | 1 |
bracket broke | 1 |
brain cyst | 1 |
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brain lesion | 1 |
brain surgery | 1 |
brain tumor | 1 |
brake cams | 1 |
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brake lever | 1 |
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brakes nbsp | 1 |
branch broke | 1 |
branch falling | 1 |
brass pole | 1 |
brass rings | 1 |
brass sleeve | 1 |
breakdown causing | 1 |
breaker employee | 1 |
breath chest | 1 |
breath numbness | 1 |
breath prior | 1 |
breath stomach | 1 |
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breathing due | 1 |
breathing prior | 1 |
breathing system | 1 |
breathing treatment | 1 |
brick footer | 1 |
bridge’s fence | 1 |
bring blue | 1 |
broke allowing | 1 |
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broke causing | 1 |
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broken axially | 1 |
broken beneath | 1 |
broken foot | 1 |
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broken neck | 1 |
broken plastic | 1 |
broken ribs | 1 |
broken rivets | 1 |
brother coughing | 1 |
brother fell | 1 |
brother nbsp | 1 |
brother scooted | 1 |
brother sitting | 1 |
brother’s head | 1 |
brownie ingested | 1 |
bruised knee | 1 |
bruised legs | 1 |
bruised ribs | 1 |
bubble gun | 1 |
bucket guide | 1 |
bucket lift | 1 |
bucket seat | 1 |
bucket tripping | 1 |
buckle coming | 1 |
buckled prior | 1 |
bugs injuring | 1 |
build nbsp | 1 |
building speed | 1 |
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bump relatives | 1 |
bumped arm | 1 |
bumped cars | 1 |
bumped ear | 1 |
bumped left | 1 |
bumped mouth | 1 |
bumper bollards | 1 |
burst blood | 1 |
buttocks muscle | 1 |
button causing | 1 |
button located | 1 |
cabin doors | 1 |
cable allowed | 1 |
cable broke | 1 |
cable caused | 1 |
cable causing | 1 |
cable cover | 1 |
cable installed | 1 |
cable nbsp | 1 |
cable saddle | 1 |
cable servicing | 1 |
cable struck | 1 |
caboose tipped | 1 |
cage door | 1 |
cage transported | 1 |
cages moved | 1 |
called ambulance | 1 |
called emts | 1 |
called nbsp | 1 |
called paramedics | 1 |
camp nurse | 1 |
candy bag | 1 |
cannabis brownie | 1 |
cannon positioned | 1 |
car approached | 1 |
car brought | 1 |
car bumped | 1 |
car caboose | 1 |
car caught | 1 |
car closing | 1 |
car combined | 1 |
car complained | 1 |
car continued | 1 |
car descended | 1 |
car dropped | 1 |
car due | 1 |
car edge | 1 |
car extend | 1 |
car failed | 1 |
car falling | 1 |
car father | 1 |
car flipped | 1 |
car fourth | 1 |
car front | 1 |
car gate | 1 |
car hitting | 1 |
car holding | 1 |
car jerked | 1 |
car jumped | 1 |
car lap | 1 |
car left | 1 |
car missed | 1 |
car pinning | 1 |
car portion | 1 |
car prior | 1 |
car receiving | 1 |
car repeatedly | 1 |
car resulting | 1 |
car row | 1 |
car separated | 1 |
car shifted | 1 |
car slid | 1 |
car slipped | 1 |
car started | 1 |
car struck | 1 |
car supposedly | 1 |
car swung | 1 |
car track | 1 |
car tripped | 1 |
car wearing | 1 |
car whipped | 1 |
car’s steering | 1 |
cardiac arrest | 1 |
cardiac history | 1 |
cardiac incident | 1 |
care afterward | 1 |
carnival employees | 1 |
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carnival height | 1 |
carnival investigators | 1 |
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carnival owner | 1 |
carnival purchased | 1 |
carnival staff | 1 |
carousel carriage | 1 |
carousel goldfish | 1 |
carousel hitting | 1 |
carousel immediately | 1 |
carousel ring | 1 |
carousel striking | 1 |
carriage seat | 1 |
carrier bumped | 1 |
carrier caught | 1 |
carrier hit | 1 |
carrier lapbar | 1 |
carrier left | 1 |
carrier moved | 1 |
carrier police | 1 |
carrier stopped | 1 |
carrier struck | 1 |
carrier suddenly | 1 |
carrier tipped | 1 |
carrier unresponsive | 1 |
carrier wheel | 1 |
carrier windshield | 1 |
carrying device | 1 |
carrying unit | 1 |
carrying units | 1 |
cars 1st | 1 |
cars arm | 1 |
cars derailed | 1 |
cars failed | 1 |
cars father | 1 |
cars jammed | 1 |
cars past | 1 |
cars reached | 1 |
cars separated | 1 |
cars stalled | 1 |
cars valleyed | 1 |
cart dislodging | 1 |
cart slowly | 1 |
caster wheels | 1 |
castle coach | 1 |
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caught causing | 1 |
caught child | 1 |
caught child’s | 1 |
caught foreign | 1 |
caught thumb | 1 |
caught underneath | 1 |
caused abdominal | 1 |
caused car | 1 |
caused injury | 1 |
caused neck | 1 |
caused patron’s | 1 |
caused patrons | 1 |
caused severe | 1 |
causing 13yo | 1 |
causing aggravation | 1 |
causing boat | 1 |
causing broken | 1 |
causing child | 1 |
causing cut | 1 |
causing discomfort | 1 |
causing head | 1 |
causing inertia | 1 |
causing leg | 1 |
causing mild | 1 |
causing minor | 1 |
causing multiple | 1 |
causing woman | 1 |
ceiling fell | 1 |
ceiling panels | 1 |
cement block | 1 |
center barrier | 1 |
center box | 1 |
center crank | 1 |
center divider | 1 |
center hand | 1 |
center handle | 1 |
center piece | 1 |
center platform | 1 |
center post | 1 |
center rail | 1 |
center row | 1 |
center seat | 1 |
center spoke | 1 |
center teeth | 1 |
center tower | 1 |
center track | 1 |
center vomiting | 1 |
centrifugal force | 1 |
chain bar | 1 |
chain caught | 1 |
chain dropped | 1 |
chain pulled | 1 |
chain wearing | 1 |
chair causing | 1 |
chair fell | 1 |
chair hit | 1 |
chair reached | 1 |
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changed seats | 1 |
changing seats | 1 |
chaperones told | 1 |
chassis owner | 1 |
check process | 1 |
checked vitals | 1 |
checking restraint | 1 |
cheek piercing | 1 |
cheerleading injury | 1 |
chemical burn | 1 |
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chest due | 1 |
chest hurt | 1 |
chest level | 1 |
chest pad | 1 |
chest region | 1 |
chest tightening | 1 |
child allegedly | 1 |
child attempted | 1 |
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child caught | 1 |
child complained | 1 |
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child exact | 1 |
child exited | 1 |
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child hopped | 1 |
child informed | 1 |
child investigators | 1 |
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child met | 1 |
child misstepped | 1 |
child nbsp | 1 |
child patrons | 1 |
child pulled | 1 |
child reached | 1 |
child started | 1 |
child stepped | 1 |
child stood | 1 |
child stopped | 1 |
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child suffered | 1 |
child underneath | 1 |
child walked | 1 |
child wouldn | 1 |
child’s age | 1 |
child’s finger | 1 |
child’s hands | 1 |
child’s head | 1 |
child’s leg | 1 |
child’s middle | 1 |
child’s mouth | 1 |
child’s stomach | 1 |
child’s tooth | 1 |
child’s upper | 1 |
childhood seizures | 1 |
children 8yo | 1 |
children collided | 1 |
children exiting | 1 |
children fell | 1 |
children knock | 1 |
children rest | 1 |
children suffered | 1 |
children’s coaster | 1 |
children’s hospital | 1 |
childs mother | 1 |
childs shirt | 1 |
chipped teeth | 1 |
chronic renal | 1 |
chronic stomach | 1 |
chute drop | 1 |
cigarette shortly | 1 |
circle causing | 1 |
circus train | 1 |
claimed injury | 1 |
claiming child | 1 |
claims child’s | 1 |
claims lap | 1 |
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clamping plate | 1 |
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claw amusement | 1 |
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close pinning | 1 |
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closed hitting | 1 |
closed htting | 1 |
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closing mechanism | 1 |
clutch house | 1 |
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coaster’s lapbar | 1 |
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collapsing wheel | 1 |
collarbone causing | 1 |
color car | 1 |
column shaft | 1 |
comfortable placing | 1 |
coming undone | 1 |
companion assisted | 1 |
company conducted | 1 |
company found | 1 |
company incidents | 1 |
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company policy | 1 |
competely exited | 1 |
complaints prior | 1 |
completely exiting | 1 |
completely padded | 1 |
compression system | 1 |
computer operating | 1 |
concerned due | 1 |
concrete deck | 1 |
concrete floor | 1 |
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concrete landing | 1 |
concrete unloading | 1 |
concrete walkway | 1 |
concrete wall | 1 |
concussion resulting | 1 |
condition i.e | 1 |
condition improved | 1 |
condition involving | 1 |
condition normal | 1 |
condition return | 1 |
condition rode | 1 |
condition werdnig | 1 |
conditions including | 1 |
conditions related | 1 |
conflicting stories | 1 |
confusing narrative | 1 |
congestive heart | 1 |
congo rapids | 1 |
connected resulted | 1 |
connecting tube | 1 |
connection failure | 1 |
consciousness mother | 1 |
consciousness update | 1 |
consecutive times | 1 |
consumed marijuana | 1 |
contact patron’s | 1 |
contacted head | 1 |
contacted pin | 1 |
contacted regulator | 1 |
continual shaking | 1 |
continue forward | 1 |
continue moving | 1 |
continue operator | 1 |
continued downward | 1 |
continued enter | 1 |
continued forward | 1 |
continued moving | 1 |
continuous nose | 1 |
control bar | 1 |
control booth | 1 |
control box | 1 |
control handle | 1 |
control panel | 1 |
control system | 1 |
controlled fall | 1 |
controls accidentally | 1 |
controls causing | 1 |
convex mirror | 1 |
conveyer belt | 1 |
conveyor slide | 1 |
cord alerting | 1 |
cord due | 1 |
corisone shots | 1 |
corner bank | 1 |
corner caused | 1 |
correct actions | 1 |
correct conmponents | 1 |
correct positions | 1 |
corroded bonnet | 1 |
cortizone shots | 1 |
cotter pin | 1 |
couple days | 1 |
couple minutes | 1 |
courtesy van | 1 |
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cover fell | 1 |
covered nbsp | 1 |
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cpsc investigators | 1 |
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criminal charges | 1 |
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cross bar | 1 |
crossed train | 1 |
crossing tracks | 1 |
cruise boat | 1 |
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crushing injuries | 1 |
crutch sticking | 1 |
ct investigators | 1 |
ct scan | 1 |
cup causing | 1 |
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cups rider’s | 1 |
curve causing | 1 |
customer alleged | 1 |
customer overreacted | 1 |
cut finger | 1 |
cut foot | 1 |
cut head | 1 |
cutting nbsp | 1 |
cycle cars | 1 |
cycle completed | 1 |
cycle finished | 1 |
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cycle husband | 1 |
cycle investigators | 1 |
cycle operator | 1 |
cycle prior | 1 |
cycle pt | 1 |
cycle reinspected | 1 |
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cycle struck | 1 |
dad reached | 1 |
dad started | 1 |
daily medicine | 1 |
damaged electrical | 1 |
danlos syndrome | 1 |
dantes nbsp | 1 |
daughter broke | 1 |
daughter hopped | 1 |
daughter mother | 1 |
daughter received | 1 |
daughter reporting | 1 |
daughter reports | 1 |
daughter rode | 1 |
daughter seated | 1 |
daughter slipped | 1 |
daughter stood | 1 |
daughter struck | 1 |
daughter sustained | 1 |
daughter tripped | 1 |
daughter’s arm | 1 |
daughter’s hand | 1 |
daughter’s head | 1 |
daughter’s history | 1 |
daughter’s left | 1 |
daughter’s ribs | 1 |
daughter’s seatbelt | 1 |
daughter’s thumb | 1 |
day nbsp | 1 |
day seizure | 1 |
day visited | 1 |
ddrop causing | 1 |
dead nbsp | 1 |
deadly weapon | 1 |
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deck plate | 1 |
decking entering | 1 |
decorative rock | 1 |
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degenerate joint | 1 |
degenerative disc | 1 |
delay requiring | 1 |
denied hitting | 1 |
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descending steps | 1 |
descent valve | 1 |
description provided | 1 |
design flaw | 1 |
designated location | 1 |
designated markers | 1 |
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detailed information | 1 |
details provided | 1 |
developed abdominal | 1 |
developed asthma | 1 |
developed burst | 1 |
developed colitis | 1 |
developed pink | 1 |
developed wheezing | 1 |
device failed | 1 |
device malfunctioned | 1 |
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diamond plate | 1 |
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documented pre | 1 |
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dress causing | 1 |
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er treated | 1 |
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exposed electrical | 1 |
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fair office | 1 |
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father stating | 1 |
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fed children’s | 1 |
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female 47yo | 1 |
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female rider | 1 |
female standing | 1 |
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firetruck vehicle | 1 |
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fit correctly | 1 |
flag pole | 1 |
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fluid sprayed | 1 |
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flyng object | 1 |
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forward slightly | 1 |
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gas spring | 1 |
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gate hitting | 1 |
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girlfriend pulled | 1 |
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glass house | 1 |
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glasses flew | 1 |
glucose med | 1 |
glucose medication | 1 |
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government investigation | 1 |
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ground owner | 1 |
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hand hitting | 1 |
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hand laceration | 1 |
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heavy guy | 1 |
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heeled shoes | 1 |
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height restriction | 1 |
height sign | 1 |
herniated disc | 1 |
herniated discs | 1 |
hesitated ot | 1 |
highly intoxicated | 1 |
hiis body | 1 |
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hill failed | 1 |
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hitting steering | 1 |
hoffman disease | 1 |
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hold car | 1 |
holders causing | 1 |
holding 6mo | 1 |
holding camera | 1 |
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horizontal restraint | 1 |
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horse mounting | 1 |
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hour ago | 1 |
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hte rail | 1 |
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hypertension medicine | 1 |
i.e minor | 1 |
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latching properly | 1 |
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leaving station | 1 |
led lights | 1 |
left bioplastic | 1 |
left breast | 1 |
left car | 1 |
left cheek | 1 |
left chest | 1 |
left clavicle | 1 |
left corner | 1 |
left earlobe | 1 |
left finger | 1 |
left flank | 1 |
left forearm | 1 |
left front | 1 |
left heel | 1 |
left hiip | 1 |
left hurt | 1 |
left lung | 1 |
left palm | 1 |
left pinky | 1 |
left report | 1 |
left ribs | 1 |
left thigh | 1 |
left toe | 1 |
left tooth | 1 |
left wheels | 1 |
leg causing | 1 |
leg cramp | 1 |
leg disconnect | 1 |
leg failed | 1 |
leg foot | 1 |
leg impacted | 1 |
leg pressed | 1 |
leg slipped | 1 |
leg snapped | 1 |
leg spasms | 1 |
leg struck | 1 |
legal action | 1 |
legs due | 1 |
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legs locked | 1 |
legs stepping | 1 |
legs twisted | 1 |
level carnival | 1 |
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level hitting | 1 |
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lever closing | 1 |
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light cord | 1 |
light detached | 1 |
light saber | 1 |
lighting mounted | 1 |
limit movement | 1 |
limit sign | 1 |
limit speed | 1 |
limited diet | 1 |
line entrance | 1 |
line fo | 1 |
line jumping | 1 |
line rope | 1 |
line symptoms | 1 |
lip conveyor | 1 |
lip hit | 1 |
lip nbsp | 1 |
load balancing | 1 |
load chair | 1 |
load operator’s | 1 |
load owner | 1 |
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load position | 1 |
load procedure | 1 |
load process | 1 |
load station | 1 |
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loading station | 1 |
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loading train | 1 |
local fire | 1 |
locations seat | 1 |
lock pinching | 1 |
lock tite | 1 |
locking device | 1 |
locking nut | 1 |
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log coming | 1 |
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log hand | 1 |
log hit | 1 |
log hitting | 1 |
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log moved | 1 |
log sliding | 1 |
log stationed | 1 |
log stopped | 1 |
log vibrated | 1 |
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lose consciousness | 1 |
lost article | 1 |
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lost body | 1 |
lost control | 1 |
lost flip | 1 |
lost footing | 1 |
lost power | 1 |
lot earlier | 1 |
loud bang | 1 |
lound sound | 1 |
low glucose | 1 |
low heart | 1 |
low mid | 1 |
lower broken | 1 |
lower chin | 1 |
lower extremities | 1 |
lower forearm | 1 |
lower gondola | 1 |
lower groin | 1 |
lower horse | 1 |
lower hurting | 1 |
lower legs | 1 |
lower mid | 1 |
lower neck | 1 |
lower stomach | 1 |
lower.the victim | 1 |
lowered causing | 1 |
lpen nbsp | 1 |
lpen slid | 1 |
lunged forward | 1 |
lurched forward | 1 |
lying supine | 1 |
main gondola | 1 |
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main station | 1 |
main structure | 1 |
maintenance director | 1 |
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maintenance history | 1 |
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maintenance program | 1 |
maintenance related | 1 |
maintenance removed | 1 |
maintenance technician | 1 |
maker placement | 1 |
makes contact | 1 |
mal seizure | 1 |
male attempted | 1 |
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male experienced | 1 |
male fell | 1 |
male guest | 1 |
male patron’s | 1 |
male rider | 1 |
manager called | 1 |
manner causing | 1 |
manual evacuation | 1 |
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manual pole | 1 |
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manually stop | 1 |
manufacturer bulletin | 1 |
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manufacturer instructing | 1 |
manufacturer recommended | 1 |
manufacturer related | 1 |
manufacturer’s manual | 1 |
manufacturer’s recommendations | 1 |
marijuana edibles | 1 |
marijuana pastry | 1 |
marijuana thinking | 1 |
marise stuck | 1 |
materials required | 1 |
maximum height | 1 |
maze report | 1 |
measure lap | 1 |
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mechanical stairs | 1 |
mechanism nbsp | 1 |
mechanism struck | 1 |
mechanism tearing | 1 |
med history | 1 |
medic advised | 1 |
medical aid | 1 |
medical attention | 1 |
medical car | 1 |
medical center | 1 |
medical distress | 1 |
medical facitlity | 1 |
medical staff | 1 |
medical tent | 1 |
medicated based | 1 |
medication reaction | 1 |
mental condition | 1 |
metal bars | 1 |
metal cars | 1 |
metal deck | 1 |
metal door | 1 |
metal electrical | 1 |
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metal fencing | 1 |
metal flashing | 1 |
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metal flooring | 1 |
metal fly | 1 |
metal grating | 1 |
metal hit | 1 |
metal hitch | 1 |
metal lap | 1 |
metal mast | 1 |
metal piece | 1 |
metal poles | 1 |
metal post | 1 |
metal ramp | 1 |
metal rest | 1 |
metal rope | 1 |
metal safety | 1 |
metal stairway | 1 |
metal steering | 1 |
metal support | 1 |
mexican citizen | 1 |
mid air | 1 |
mid lower | 1 |
mid thigh | 1 |
mid week | 1 |
middle bench | 1 |
middle divider | 1 |
middle leftside | 1 |
middle row | 1 |
middle wheel | 1 |
migraine headache | 1 |
mild buttocks | 1 |
mild epileptic | 1 |
mild headache | 1 |
mild neck | 1 |
mind altering | 1 |
mine train | 1 |
mini himalaya | 1 |
miniature train | 1 |
miniature trains | 1 |
minor electrical | 1 |
minor injury | 1 |
minor internal | 1 |
minor seizure | 1 |
minutes ambulance | 1 |
mirror panels | 1 |
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mis stepped | 1 |
misaligned track | 1 |
misalligned threads | 1 |
misjudged step | 1 |
missed platform | 1 |
missed tumbled | 1 |
missing pieces | 1 |
missing remainder | 1 |
missing rivit | 1 |
misstepped hitting | 1 |
mistakenly hit | 1 |
mobile horse | 1 |
model base | 1 |
moderate distress | 1 |
moisture injuring | 1 |
mom brought | 1 |
mom exited | 1 |
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mom mom | 1 |
mom noticed | 1 |
momentarily passed | 1 |
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monster blew | 1 |
month prior | 1 |
morning inspection | 1 |
morning prior | 1 |
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mother alleges | 1 |
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mother arrived | 1 |
mother believes | 1 |
mother child | 1 |
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mother mom | 1 |
mother noticed | 1 |
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mother returned | 1 |
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mother stating | 1 |
mother strapped | 1 |
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mother’s observation | 1 |
mothers standing | 1 |
motion caused | 1 |
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motion knocked | 1 |
motion paramedics | 1 |
motion sensitivity | 1 |
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motion usa | 1 |
motion winding | 1 |
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motor shaft | 1 |
motor vehicle | 1 |
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mouth hitting | 1 |
mouth nbsp | 1 |
move causing | 1 |
move forward | 1 |
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moving carrier | 1 |
moving conveyor | 1 |
moving downward | 1 |
moving passenger | 1 |
moving pretty | 1 |
moving section | 1 |
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multiple episodes | 1 |
multiple injuries | 1 |
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multiple patrons | 1 |
multiple rides | 1 |
multiple sclerosis | 1 |
multiple seizures | 1 |
mute reported | 1 |
nail bed | 1 |
nail lifted | 1 |
nail partially | 1 |
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national weather | 1 |
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nauseated weakness | 1 |
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nbsp bar | 1 |
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nbsp closed | 1 |
nbsp extreme | 1 |
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nbsp officials | 1 |
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nbsp pre | 1 |
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nbsp witness | 1 |
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neck pop | 1 |
neck started | 1 |
neck surgery | 1 |
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nephew causing | 1 |
newly pregnant | 1 |
news report | 1 |
news reports | 1 |
niece reported | 1 |
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night prior | 1 |
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nose stating | 1 |
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noticed son | 1 |
noticed subtle | 1 |
noticed swelling | 1 |
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notify park | 1 |
notifying patrons | 1 |
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numerous times | 1 |
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nurse jprovided | 1 |
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nut owner | 1 |
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object hit | 1 |
object injuring | 1 |
object struck | 1 |
objects fall | 1 |
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observed laying | 1 |
obvious deformity | 1 |
occupied chairs | 1 |
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ocean front | 1 |
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official patrolling | 1 |
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oncoming carrier | 1 |
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operation injuring | 1 |
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operational personnel | 1 |
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operator manually | 1 |
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operator moved | 1 |
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operator offered | 1 |
operator panicked | 1 |
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operator performed | 1 |
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operator pinning | 1 |
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operator reduced | 1 |
operator removed | 1 |
operator retrain | 1 |
operator slammed | 1 |
operator slipped | 1 |
operator station | 1 |
operator stepped | 1 |
operator suffereed | 1 |
operator terminated | 1 |
operator verified | 1 |
operator’s attention | 1 |
operator’s employment | 1 |
operator’s foot | 1 |
operator’s hand | 1 |
operator’s instructions | 1 |
operator’s investigation | 1 |
operator’s view | 1 |
operator’s wrist | 1 |
operators immediately | 1 |
operators reportedly | 1 |
opertor attempted | 1 |
overhead restraint | 1 |
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overheated battery | 1 |
overly excited | 1 |
override release | 1 |
overturn inspectors | 1 |
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overweight nbsp | 1 |
owner joshua | 1 |
owner operator’s | 1 |
owner operators | 1 |
pace maker | 1 |
pacemaker normal | 1 |
pad father | 1 |
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padding covering | 1 |
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painted yellow | 1 |
pale clammy | 1 |
palm tree | 1 |
panel partially | 1 |
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parent yelled | 1 |
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parents causing | 1 |
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park afterward | 1 |
park called | 1 |
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park complaining | 1 |
park employees | 1 |
park ems | 1 |
park emt | 1 |
park hours | 1 |
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park investigation | 1 |
park jumped | 1 |
park manager | 1 |
park medic | 1 |
park medical | 1 |
park received | 1 |
park records | 1 |
park report | 1 |
park reprentative | 1 |
park security | 1 |
park unknown | 1 |
park’s maintenance | 1 |
park’s paramedic | 1 |
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parking brake | 1 |
parking lot | 1 |
parking position | 1 |
parkinson’s disease | 1 |
partial amputation | 1 |
partial seizures | 1 |
partially detached | 1 |
partially severed | 1 |
particle fell | 1 |
party completed | 1 |
party entered | 1 |
pass entrance | 1 |
pass holders | 1 |
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passenger seat | 1 |
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passenger unit | 1 |
passenger units | 1 |
passenger’s feet | 1 |
passengers 8yo | 1 |
passengers fell | 1 |
passengers inside | 1 |
passengers unloaded | 1 |
passing inspection | 1 |
passout falling | 1 |
past history | 1 |
past medical | 1 |
past surgery | 1 |
patient fell | 1 |
patient hit | 1 |
patient struck | 1 |
patient’s head | 1 |
paton complained | 1 |
patorn fell | 1 |
patron’s attorney | 1 |
patron’s body | 1 |
patron’s caregiver | 1 |
patron’s eye | 1 |
patron’s fiance | 1 |
patron’s fragile | 1 |
patron’s hurting | 1 |
patron’s middle | 1 |
patron’s neck | 1 |
patron’s niece | 1 |
patron’s nose | 1 |
patron’s nurse | 1 |
patron’s parents | 1 |
patron’s party | 1 |
patron’s report | 1 |
patron’s shoe | 1 |
patron’s shoes | 1 |
patron’s shoulder | 1 |
patron’s steering | 1 |
patron’s suffered | 1 |
patron’s thumb | 1 |
patron’s upper | 1 |
patron’s urine | 1 |
patrons 31yo | 1 |
patrons 7yo | 1 |
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patrons adult | 1 |
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patrons brother | 1 |
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patrons father | 1 |
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patrons quot | 1 |
patrons sharing | 1 |
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patrons tipped | 1 |
patrons toe | 1 |
pawls skipped | 1 |
pay attention | 1 |
pay closer | 1 |
pedestal seat | 1 |
pelvis pushed | 1 |
pendant necklace | 1 |
people 47yo | 1 |
perform maintenance | 1 |
perimeter fencing | 1 |
person climbed | 1 |
person died | 1 |
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person leaned | 1 |
person raft | 1 |
person seated | 1 |
person sitting | 1 |
personal ecv | 1 |
personal illness | 1 |
personal scooter | 1 |
personal transport | 1 |
personnel checked | 1 |
personnel reported | 1 |
personnel suspected | 1 |
phone call | 1 |
phone causing | 1 |
phone hit | 1 |
phone message | 1 |
phoned park | 1 |
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photo tripped | 1 |
physical adjustments | 1 |
physical altercation | 1 |
physical evidence | 1 |
physical stress | 1 |
physical therapy | 1 |
piece flew | 1 |
pigeon struck | 1 |
pin dislodged | 1 |
pin holding | 1 |
pin leaving | 1 |
pinched thumb | 1 |
pinion gear | 1 |
pink eye | 1 |
pink rotating | 1 |
pinning patient’s | 1 |
pins clasps | 1 |
pins holding | 1 |
placement earlier | 1 |
placement log | 1 |
plane nbsp | 1 |
plate form | 1 |
plate platform | 1 |
platform barrier | 1 |
platform complaining | 1 |
platform dosh | 1 |
platform falling | 1 |
platform fencing | 1 |
platform floor | 1 |
platform mother | 1 |
platform slanted | 1 |
platform steps | 1 |
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pm started | 1 |
polar bear | 1 |
pole child | 1 |
pole meets | 1 |
police arrived | 1 |
police sources | 1 |
policy nbsp | 1 |
polio syndrome | 1 |
pony motor | 1 |
poor hydration | 1 |
pop causing | 1 |
pop coming | 1 |
pop gun | 1 |
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popping sound | 1 |
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position child | 1 |
position hard | 1 |
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position similar | 1 |
positioning arm | 1 |
positioning bolts | 1 |
possibly caught | 1 |
possibly caused | 1 |
possibly dislocated | 1 |
possibly experienced | 1 |
possibly hit | 1 |
possibly occurred | 1 |
possibly vehicle | 1 |
post polio | 1 |
post seizure | 1 |
post style | 1 |
postictal defined | 1 |
postural tachychardia | 1 |
potential personal | 1 |
power cable | 1 |
power disconnect | 1 |
power maintenance | 1 |
pre operational | 1 |
precaution ct | 1 |
precaution treated | 1 |
preliminary inspection | 1 |
preliminary investigation | 1 |
preloaded gates | 1 |
premature mother | 1 |
prematurely due | 1 |
prescribed daily | 1 |
pressed child’s | 1 |
pressure caused | 1 |
pressure dizziness | 1 |
pressure fainted | 1 |
pressure history | 1 |
pressure moisture | 1 |
pressure normal | 1 |
pressure prior | 1 |
pressure regulator | 1 |
pressure takes | 1 |
pretty quickly | 1 |
prevent 18mo | 1 |
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previous acl | 1 |
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previous fractures | 1 |
previous injuries | 1 |
previous injury | 1 |
previous knee | 1 |
previous leg | 1 |
previous personal | 1 |
previous visits | 1 |
previously experienced | 1 |
previously injured | 1 |
previously reported | 1 |
princess dress | 1 |
prior cracking | 1 |
prior elbow | 1 |
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prior heart | 1 |
prior injury | 1 |
prior nose | 1 |
prior severe | 1 |
prior transported | 1 |
process bumping | 1 |
process pinching | 1 |
progress including | 1 |
prohibiting additional | 1 |
prompted visit | 1 |
prone position | 1 |
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proper load | 1 |
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properly engaged | 1 |
properly seated | 1 |
properly secured | 1 |
proprely bolted | 1 |
protecting rib | 1 |
protection procedures | 1 |
protective cover | 1 |
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provide detailed | 1 |
provide required | 1 |
pubic bone | 1 |
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pump handle | 1 |
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pushed accidently | 1 |
putting pressure | 1 |
qline chain | 1 |
qline hit | 1 |
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qline ramp | 1 |
quadrupal bypass | 1 |
queue chain | 1 |
queue fencing | 1 |
queue rails | 1 |
quick stop | 1 |
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quickly midway | 1 |
quickly moved | 1 |
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quickly shutting | 1 |
quot diameter | 1 |
quot flopping | 1 |
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quot height | 1 |
quot hit | 1 |
quot inside | 1 |
quot minimum | 1 |
quot motion | 1 |
quot nbsp | 1 |
race cars | 1 |
racing heartbeat | 1 |
raft bumped | 1 |
raft impact | 1 |
raft injuring | 1 |
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raft momentarily | 1 |
raft owner | 1 |
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raft started | 1 |
raft suddenly | 1 |
raft tipping | 1 |
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rail waiting | 1 |
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railroad tie | 1 |
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raised position | 1 |
raising protective | 1 |
ramp allegedly | 1 |
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ran exiting | 1 |
ran past | 1 |
rapid heartbeat | 1 |
rate prior | 1 |
rattled loose | 1 |
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read signs | 1 |
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reason possibly | 1 |
rebuckle seatbelt | 1 |
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regulators requested | 1 |
regulatory permission | 1 |
regulatory report | 1 |
reinforcement cables | 1 |
related issue | 1 |
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released nbsp | 1 |
released patron’s | 1 |
released puling | 1 |
relevant indications | 1 |
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removing unauthorized | 1 |
renal failure | 1 |
replacement prior | 1 |
replacement surgery | 1 |
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report coccyx | 1 |
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report investigators | 1 |
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report referenced | 1 |
report say’s | 1 |
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reported experiencing | 1 |
reported head | 1 |
reported injuring | 1 |
reported injury | 1 |
reported lowback | 1 |
reported rib | 1 |
reported shoulder | 1 |
reported signs | 1 |
reported stomach | 1 |
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reportedly fainted | 1 |
reportedly hit | 1 |
reportedly intoxicated | 1 |
reporting rib | 1 |
reporting upper | 1 |
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reports twisting | 1 |
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representing person | 1 |
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requirement posted | 1 |
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requiring physical | 1 |
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restricted zone | 1 |
resuscitated hospitalized | 1 |
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returned home | 1 |
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revolving rod | 1 |
rib causing | 1 |
rib contusion | 1 |
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ribs hit | 1 |
ribs left | 1 |
ribs stating | 1 |
ride’s center | 1 |
ride’s cycle | 1 |
ride’s exit | 1 |
ride’s flooring | 1 |
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ride’s hydraulic | 1 |
ride’s inspection | 1 |
ride’s load | 1 |
ride’s passenger | 1 |
ride’s pinion | 1 |
ride’s safety | 1 |
ride’s support | 1 |
rider attempted | 1 |
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rider jumped | 1 |
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rider woman | 1 |
rider’s brother | 1 |
rider’s inability | 1 |
riders continued | 1 |
riders experienced | 1 |
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riders prior | 1 |
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rides cpsc | 1 |
ridge emt | 1 |
ridin gthe | 1 |
rim hydraulic | 1 |
ring assembly | 1 |
ring gear | 1 |
ring handle | 1 |
ring happened | 1 |
ring operator | 1 |
rings nbsp | 1 |
rip cord | 1 |
rivets resecuring | 1 |
road striking | 1 |
rock flew | 1 |
rock forward | 1 |
rock rapidly | 1 |
rock wall | 1 |
rocket hitting | 1 |
rockin tag | 1 |
rocking motion | 1 |
rod detached | 1 |
rode bumper | 1 |
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rolled ankle | 1 |
rolled backwards | 1 |
rolled causing | 1 |
rolled hitting | 1 |
roller gag | 1 |
rollie floor | 1 |
rolling ball | 1 |
rope bridge | 1 |
rope cable | 1 |
rotated unexpectedly | 1 |
rotating base | 1 |
rotating table | 1 |
rotations child | 1 |
round trip | 1 |
row bent | 1 |
row exiting | 1 |
row inside | 1 |
row pulled | 1 |
row vehicle | 1 |
rubber padding | 1 |
rubber sandals | 1 |
rubber shoulder | 1 |
rubber tubing | 1 |
run button | 1 |
running fell | 1 |
running nbsp | 1 |
running quickly | 1 |
running tripped | 1 |
ruptured appendix | 1 |
safe mode | 1 |
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safety cage | 1 |
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safety reinforcement | 1 |
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santa ana | 1 |
satellite sweep | 1 |
say’s free | 1 |
scan produced | 1 |
scarf tangled | 1 |
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schizo affective | 1 |
school prom | 1 |
school trip | 1 |
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scrambler car | 1 |
scraped shin | 1 |
scratched skinned | 1 |
screw causing | 1 |
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sea creature | 1 |
sea dragon | 1 |
sea horse | 1 |
season pass | 1 |
seat 3rd | 1 |
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seat car | 1 |
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seat closed | 1 |
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seat divider | 1 |
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seat hump | 1 |
seat injuring | 1 |
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seat paramedics | 1 |
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seat sitting | 1 |
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seat started | 1 |
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seatback holding | 1 |
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seatbelt causing | 1 |
seatbelt exiting | 1 |
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seated mother | 1 |
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seated position | 1 |
seated properly | 1 |
seated upright | 1 |
seating restraint | 1 |
seats causing | 1 |
seats hang | 1 |
seats ont | 1 |
secondary locking | 1 |
secondary restraint | 1 |
secondary tether | 1 |
secure nbsp | 1 |
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security bar | 1 |
security handled | 1 |
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seizure boyfriend | 1 |
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seizure coming | 1 |
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seizure family | 1 |
seizure medication | 1 |
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seizures narcolepsy | 1 |
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semi admitted | 1 |
sensation shot | 1 |
sensitivity transported | 1 |
separated deck | 1 |
service bulletin | 1 |
service car | 1 |
service wind | 1 |
set sunglasses | 1 |
severe abdominal | 1 |
severe bleeding | 1 |
severe concussion | 1 |
severe headaches | 1 |
severe jolt | 1 |
severe migraine | 1 |
severe motion | 1 |
severe nausea | 1 |
severe sunburn | 1 |
severely nauseous | 1 |
shaft broke | 1 |
shaft knocking | 1 |
shaking badly | 1 |
shaking caused | 1 |
shaking increased | 1 |
shaky dizzy | 1 |
shaped lap | 1 |
sharp objects | 1 |
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shield child | 1 |
shift change | 1 |
shifted upwards | 1 |
shile sitting | 1 |
shin guest | 1 |
ship standing | 1 |
shirt sleeve | 1 |
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shoe walking | 1 |
short distance | 1 |
short handed | 1 |
short period | 1 |
short time | 1 |
shoulder bar | 1 |
shoulder blades | 1 |
shoulder collarbone | 1 |
shoulder dislocated | 1 |
shoulder hurt | 1 |
shoulder injuries | 1 |
shoulder prior | 1 |
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showered sparks | 1 |
sibblings nbsp | 1 |
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sick witnesses | 1 |
sided neck | 1 |
sign fell | 1 |
sign incorrectly | 1 |
significant history | 1 |
significant medical | 1 |
significant shocks | 1 |
significant signs | 1 |
significantly thicker | 1 |
similar bolts | 1 |
similar incident | 1 |
similar issue | 1 |
simply walking | 1 |
sister nbsp | 1 |
sister slammed | 1 |
sister’s boot | 1 |
sister’s foot | 1 |
sister’s hand | 1 |
sister’s head | 1 |
sit properly | 1 |
site emt | 1 |
sitting forward | 1 |
sitting inside | 1 |
sitting sideways | 1 |
sitting upright | 1 |
situated nbsp | 1 |
situation tram | 1 |
skin irritation | 1 |
skin joints | 1 |
skin rash | 1 |
skipped resulting | 1 |
sky glider | 1 |
sky lift | 1 |
sky race | 1 |
slammed forward | 1 |
slammed gate | 1 |
slammed safety | 1 |
sled holding | 1 |
sleeve slide | 1 |
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slide fun | 1 |
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slide portion | 1 |
slide surface | 1 |
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slide tube | 1 |
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sliding floor | 1 |
sliding head | 1 |
slight neck | 1 |
slightly backward | 1 |
slightly raised | 1 |
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slip protecting | 1 |
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slipped stepping | 1 |
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sloped platform | 1 |
slower speed | 1 |
slowly tipped | 1 |
smoked marijuana | 1 |
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snapped sideways | 1 |
snapping noise | 1 |
sneakers obvious | 1 |
soft tissue | 1 |
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son attempted | 1 |
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son ducked | 1 |
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son grabbed | 1 |
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son jumped | 1 |
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son received | 1 |
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son slipped | 1 |
son started | 1 |
son struck | 1 |
son tylenol | 1 |
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son’s ankle | 1 |
son’s hand | 1 |
son’s head | 1 |
sought treatment | 1 |
south station | 1 |
souvenir cups | 1 |
space betweem | 1 |
speak english | 1 |
speedway bar | 1 |
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spin knocking | 1 |
spin rider | 1 |
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spinning allegedly | 1 |
spinning barrel | 1 |
spinning cart | 1 |
spinning disc | 1 |
spinning floor | 1 |
spinning mechanism | 1 |
spinning rapidly | 1 |
spinning tea | 1 |
spontaneous i.e | 1 |
spontaneous nose | 1 |
spot melted | 1 |
sprocket suffered | 1 |
spun cauing | 1 |
spur track | 1 |
squirting elephant | 1 |
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staff hitting | 1 |
staging stop | 1 |
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stairs missing | 1 |
stairs whiel | 1 |
stand nbsp | 1 |
standing daughter | 1 |
staph infection | 1 |
star collapsing | 1 |
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started coughing | 1 |
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station complaining | 1 |
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station entering | 1 |
station family | 1 |
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station indicating | 1 |
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station unresponsive | 1 |
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stop guardian | 1 |
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stop occurred | 1 |
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stopped patron’s | 1 |
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stopping foot | 1 |
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story texas | 1 |
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stress due | 1 |
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structure physical | 1 |
structure preliminary | 1 |
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stumbled sat | 1 |
style earring | 1 |
subdural hematoma | 1 |
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subject’s family | 1 |
subjects mother | 1 |
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sucker bar | 1 |
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super ventricular | 1 |
supervising companion | 1 |
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support chains | 1 |
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support shaft | 1 |
support structure | 1 |
supposedly moved | 1 |
surrounding fence | 1 |
suspected foul | 1 |
suspended coaster | 1 |
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sweep causing | 1 |
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swing chair | 1 |
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swung backwards | 1 |
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system causing | 1 |
system detected | 1 |
t1 vertebrae | 1 |
table located | 1 |
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tailbone hurt | 1 |
takeoff jerked | 1 |
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taking antibiotics | 1 |
taking ecstasy | 1 |
taking medication | 1 |
taking photo | 1 |
taking picture | 1 |
taking prozac | 1 |
taking vicodin | 1 |
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tall guy | 1 |
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team conducted | 1 |
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technical delay | 1 |
technician figured | 1 |
technician manually | 1 |
techno jump | 1 |
teenage boy | 1 |
teenage girls | 1 |
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temples father | 1 |
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ten minutes | 1 |
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tightly secure | 1 |
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time cpsc | 1 |
time dial | 1 |
time quot | 1 |
times ems | 1 |
times prior | 1 |
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tip nail | 1 |
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tissue injuries | 1 |
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toe makes | 1 |
toe nail | 1 |
toe shoe | 1 |
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told park | 1 |
told police | 1 |
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tow strap | 1 |
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town lost | 1 |
track caused | 1 |
track disabled | 1 |
track injuring | 1 |
track joint | 1 |
track landing | 1 |
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track nbsp | 1 |
track paramedics | 1 |
track position | 1 |
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track support | 1 |
track switch | 1 |
track trolley | 1 |
tracks causing | 1 |
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train possibly | 1 |
train prior | 1 |
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train station | 1 |
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trained properly | 1 |
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trains colliding | 1 |
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tram unit | 1 |
transfer vehicle | 1 |
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transport wheelchair | 1 |
trapping knee | 1 |
trapping patron’s | 1 |
trauma center | 1 |
treatment late | 1 |
treatment mother | 1 |
tree falling | 1 |
trian preparing | 1 |
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trim piece | 1 |
tripped entering | 1 |
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tripping falling | 1 |
trouble swallowing | 1 |
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tub cage | 1 |
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tub passed | 1 |
tub rode | 1 |
tub spinning | 1 |
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tubs tip | 1 |
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turbo lights | 1 |
turntable ring | 1 |
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twin brother | 1 |
twisted causing | 1 |
twisted knee | 1 |
unauthorized modification | 1 |
unbalanced load | 1 |
unbuckled seat | 1 |
uncle reports | 1 |
uncle slid | 1 |
unconscious mother | 1 |
unconscious nbsp | 1 |
uncontrollable blood | 1 |
underarm region | 1 |
underdeveloped neck | 1 |
underneath car | 1 |
underneath lap | 1 |
underspeed vehicle | 1 |
uneven cement | 1 |
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unexpected sudden | 1 |
unidentified substance | 1 |
unknown experienced | 1 |
unknown fainted | 1 |
unknown happened | 1 |
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unknown male | 1 |
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unknown reason | 1 |
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unload deck | 1 |
unload dock | 1 |
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unload operators | 1 |
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unloading car | 1 |
unloading causing | 1 |
unloading floor | 1 |
unloading platform | 1 |
unloading sending | 1 |
unloading station | 1 |
unmedicated cardiac | 1 |
unrelated guests | 1 |
unrestrained child | 1 |
unscheduled stop | 1 |
unsecured gate | 1 |
unspecified er | 1 |
unusual incident | 1 |
unusual noise | 1 |
unusually strong | 1 |
update evacuation | 1 |
update included | 1 |
upload landing | 1 |
upper abdominal | 1 |
upper bar | 1 |
upper eyelid | 1 |
upper gondola | 1 |
upper left | 1 |
upper lip | 1 |
upper lower | 1 |
upper scenery | 1 |
upper sheave | 1 |
upper stomach | 1 |
upper sweep | 1 |
upright posture | 1 |
upset stomach | 1 |
upward position | 1 |
urgent care | 1 |
valve timer | 1 |
vehicle accident | 1 |
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vehicle appeared | 1 |
vehicle boat | 1 |
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vehicle cessation | 1 |
vehicle chassis | 1 |
vehicle conscious | 1 |
vehicle directly | 1 |
vehicle falling | 1 |
vehicle fell | 1 |
vehicle floor | 1 |
vehicle fumes | 1 |
vehicle hand | 1 |
vehicle hit | 1 |
vehicle launched | 1 |
vehicle lost | 1 |
vehicle lurched | 1 |
vehicle nbsp | 1 |
vehicle paramedics | 1 |
vehicle park | 1 |
vehicle patron’s | 1 |
vehicle reached | 1 |
vehicle restraints | 1 |
vehicle rolled | 1 |
vehicle rounded | 1 |
vehicle spun | 1 |
vehicle starting | 1 |
vehicle stopped | 1 |
vehicle striking | 1 |
vehicle struck | 1 |
vehicle swung | 1 |
vehicle video | 1 |
vehicle wall | 1 |
vehicle’s restraint | 1 |
vehicles collided | 1 |
vehicles struck | 1 |
velcro lap | 1 |
veneer teeth | 1 |
ventricular breathing | 1 |
ventricular tachycardia | 1 |
verbal autism | 1 |
verbal daughter | 1 |
verbally abusive | 1 |
verbally instruct | 1 |
verify correct | 1 |
vertical element | 1 |
vertical position | 1 |
vertical stretch | 1 |
vertical support | 1 |
vertigo nausea | 1 |
vertigo takes | 1 |
vessels pop | 1 |
vibrated causing | 1 |
vibration brace | 1 |
victim leaned | 1 |
victim met | 1 |
victim slipped | 1 |
victim’s head | 1 |
victims climbed | 1 |
video family | 1 |
violent stop | 1 |
visible injury | 1 |
vision difficulty | 1 |
visual disability | 1 |
visual evidence | 1 |
visually check | 1 |
vital signs | 1 |
volt shock | 1 |
vomited numerous | 1 |
vomited uncontrollably | 1 |
vomiting immediately | 1 |
wake uer | 1 |
walked backwards | 1 |
walked forward | 1 |
walked infront | 1 |
walked past | 1 |
walked sideways | 1 |
walking amp | 1 |
walking backward | 1 |
walking inside | 1 |
walking quickly | 1 |
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walking symptoms | 1 |
walkway adjacent | 1 |
walkway injuring | 1 |
walkway nbsp | 1 |
walkway platform | 1 |
wall hit | 1 |
wall immediately | 1 |
wall seated | 1 |
warning information | 1 |
warning jerking | 1 |
water basin | 1 |
water geyser | 1 |
water intake | 1 |
water moisture | 1 |
water struck | 1 |
wave hit | 1 |
wave knocked | 1 |
wave swinger | 1 |
weak vomited | 1 |
weakness fatigued | 1 |
weakness slurred | 1 |
wearing glasses | 1 |
wearing knee | 1 |
wearing rubber | 1 |
wearing seat | 1 |
wearing tied | 1 |
wearing wet | 1 |
weather rainy | 1 |
weather service | 1 |
wedding ring | 1 |
week ago | 1 |
weeks previously | 1 |
weight distribution | 1 |
weight restriction | 1 |
weights regularly | 1 |
weld insufficient | 1 |
weldment causing | 1 |
werdnig hoffman | 1 |
wet chain | 1 |
wet clothing | 1 |
wet ramp | 1 |
wet surface | 1 |
wet table | 1 |
wheel broke | 1 |
wheel car | 1 |
wheel caught | 1 |
wheel cut | 1 |
wheel drive | 1 |
wheel housing | 1 |
wheel inspector | 1 |
wheel nuts | 1 |
wheel patron’s | 1 |
wheel walked | 1 |
wheel worker | 1 |
wheelchair caught | 1 |
wheelchair fell | 1 |
wheelchair reported | 1 |
wheelchair tipped | 1 |
wheelhouse ladder | 1 |
wheels broke | 1 |
whiplash neck | 1 |
whirl guest | 1 |
white bird | 1 |
white center | 1 |
wide step | 1 |
wife experienced | 1 |
wife reports | 1 |
wife suffered | 1 |
wife’s seat | 1 |
wild claw | 1 |
wile exiting | 1 |
winch drum | 1 |
wind blew | 1 |
wind conditions | 1 |
wind event | 1 |
wind speeds | 1 |
winds overturned | 1 |
wing seats | 1 |
wire jumper | 1 |
wire rope | 1 |
witness laid | 1 |
witness noted | 1 |
witness redacted | 1 |
witness statements | 1 |
witness yelled | 1 |
witnessed grandmother | 1 |
witnesses corroborated | 1 |
witnesses nbsp | 1 |
witnesses reported | 1 |
woman leaning | 1 |
woman moved | 1 |
woman slipped | 1 |
woman struck | 1 |
woman unbuckled | 1 |
woman’s hand | 1 |
wood decking | 1 |
wood hit | 1 |
wooden box | 1 |
wooden coaster | 1 |
worm coaster | 1 |
worn fasteners | 1 |
worn mechanism | 1 |
worn restraints | 1 |
worse due | 1 |
worse history | 1 |
worsened paramedics | 1 |
worsened radiating | 1 |
wrist arm | 1 |
wrist bent | 1 |
wrist caught | 1 |
wrist hand | 1 |
wrist previuosly | 1 |
wrist reported | 1 |
wrist struck | 1 |
written documentation | 1 |
written report | 1 |
wrong direction | 1 |
wrong left | 1 |
wsa pushing | 1 |
yellow box | 1 |
yellow plane | 1 |
yellow truck | 1 |
yo boy | 1 |
yo injured | 1 |
yoke handle | 1 |
zipper cage | 1 |
zipper car | 1 |
zipper flew | 1 |
zone section | 1 |
acc_bigrams_filtered %>%
count(word1, word2, sort = TRUE) %>%
filter(n > 5) %>%
We can again see that words tend to cluster together. If we had a specific research question, we could dig deeper into these.
Accident Description by Ride Category.
The last exploratory analysis we will do is to look at the associations between common bi-grams in the accident descriptions and the ride groups.
acc_bigrams_unite <- acc_bigrams_filtered %>%
unite(bigram, word1, word2, sep = " ")
manuf_of_interest <- acc_bigrams_unite %>%
count(manufacturer, sort = TRUE) %>%
filter(manufacturer != "Unknown") %>%
acc_bigrams_unite %>%
count(device_category, bigram, sort = TRUE) %>%
arrange(device_category, desc(n)) %>%
group_by(device_category) %>%
slice(1:6) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(device_category = as.factor(device_category),
bigram = reorder_within(bigram, n, device_category)) %>%
ggplot(aes(bigram, n, order = -n, fill = device_category)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_x_reordered() +
labs(x = NULL, y = "Number of Incidents",
title = "Most common accidents reported by device types",
subtitle = "Analyzing ride categories with six most reported incidents") +
facet_wrap(~device_category, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
It appears that the lap bar tends to be the biggest cause of accidents among all of the ride categories (except Other Attraction).
We now have a broader understanding about the SaferParks Database. If we were working with a particular company or amusement park, we could conduct further analysis into the common accidents and injuries associated with manufacturer, ride type, and ride category.
Setup Script for this Rmarkdown document:
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE)
# Function to add colored text to the document
colorize <- function(x, color) {
if (knitr::is_latex_output()) {
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sprintf("<span style='color: %s;'>%s</span>", color,
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# Function for visualizing Bi-grams
visualize_bigrams <- function(bigrams) {
a <- grid::arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(.15, "inches"))
bigrams %>%
graph_from_data_frame() %>%
ggraph(layout = "fr") +
geom_node_point(color = "lightblue", size = 3) +
geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = n), show.legend = FALSE, arrow = a) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), vjust = 1, hjust = 1) +